PNV J01330051+3033479 2014 02 25.8337* 01 33 00.51 +30 33 47.9 17.4 U 650W 351S M33 2 1
2014 02 25.8337
This possible nova has been detected by E. Conseil on 2 images taken with the Slooh Robotic Telescope T1HM (500mm F/6.8) : Nothing was visible at this place on an image taken on 2014-02-12 (limit mag 18.5) with the same equipment. The object has been confirmed on 3 images taken on 2014-02-26.8784 using the Slooh Robotic Telescope T2HM (350mm F/11) :
2014 02 28.149
This possible nova in M33 was detected with 5 x 10 min images using a clear filter Photometry: Mag 17.49 +/- 0.56 C Astrometry: RA 01 33 00.61 Dec +30 33 45.5 These data were collected remotely by Joseph Brimacombe, Cairns, Australia. Link to image and further information:
2014 03 02.8439
Additional magnitude on 2014-03-02.8439 : 17.4R Image taken with Slooh robotic telescope T2 (350mm F/11) :