PNV J01334726+3026513 2015 12 01.4663* 01 33 47.26 +30 26 51.3 16.3 U 47W 766S M33 N 0
2015 12 01.4663
Koichi Nishiyama, Kurume,Japan and Fujio Kabashima, Miyaki,Japan report the discovery of a bright possible nova (mag.= 16.3) in M33 on eight 40-s unfiltered CCD frames taken around 2015 Dec. 01.46633 UT, ( limiting magnitude = 19.7 ) using a 0.50-m f/6.8 reflector (+FLI 1001E camera). as follows We report that this star locates 47" west and 766" south from the center of galaxy. Nothing is visible at this location on our past frames taken on 2015 Nov. 10.515 UT ( limiting magnitude = 19.3 ) and Nov. 30.542 UT ( limiting magnitude = 19.7 ) We have checked in Minor Planets. Nothing is visible at the position of possible nova on the Digitized Sky Survey (POSS2/UKSTU) from 1991 Oct 05 (limiting red mag 19.5) and 1989 Dec. 04 (limiting infrared mag 19.4). the nearest star in M33 catalogue ( has position end figures 47s68, 48"0, distance 6".4, magnitudes V=22.3, B=22.5, R=22.1,
2015 12 02.25662
V= 16.0, position end figures 47s.30, 51”.6, three stacked 120-s frames (limit mag.= 17.0) using 0.25-m f/3.4 hyperbolic astrograph + CCD at Mayhill, New Mexico. Observer T. Yusa, Osaki, Japan. An image is put on URL
2015 12 03.7591
This object was observed by L. Buzzi with a 0.60-m reflector + CCD from Schiaparelli Observatory, Italy. Position end figures 47s.29, 51".2 and magnitude 17.0 (UCAC-4 catalogue). Image posted at URL