TCP J01495677+5335018 2012 01 29.7041* 01 49 56.77 +53 35 01.8 12.8 U Per 9 4
2012 01 29.7041
Optical flare of an X-ray source XMMSL1 J014956.7+533504; S. A. Korotkiy (Ka-Dar Obs.) and K. V. Sokolovsky (ASC Lebedev/SAI MSU):
2012 01 30.272
Transient not seen to limiting magnitude 20.5 Link to image and further information:
2012 01 30.65478
Object detected at position end figures 56.81, 01.9 (UCAC3, J2000, accuracy of 0.1"). Magnitude 13.0U. Ka-Dar Observatory, TAU Station, Nizhny Arkhyz, Russia (MPC COD C32), telescope (D=400mm, F=3200mm) + STL-11000M + Clear, exp=30sec, bin=2x2; S. Korotkiy, V. Gerke. Image URL:
2012 01 30.90
Photometry of the object TCP J01495677+5335018 in the night 30/31 January 2012: I. Sergey (Belarus)
2012 01 31.46
We obtained a low dispersion spectrum (R about 550) of TCP J01495677+5335018 (=XMMSL1 J014956.7+533504; ATel #3896) on Jan. 31.46 UT with the Araki telescope with our spectrograph (LOSA/F2) at Koyama Astronomical Observatory, Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan. The Spectrum shows clearly a strong emisson of H-alpha, and absorptions of H-beta and H-ganmma on a blue continuum light. The absorption component of the H-beta was filled with its emission. The He I (667.8 nm) emission and a Na D absorption (E.W about 0.11 nm) were also detected. These features suggest that the current brightening of this object would be a outburst phnomenon in a dwarf nova. A. Arai, M. Nagashima, C. Naka (Kyoto Sangyo Univ.) ( Our spectrum is shown in our blog: )