Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

PSN J02292803+3138385

PSN J02292803+3138385   2021 08 11.9305*  02 29 28.03 +31 38 38.5  17.3CV             N940      R 9

2021 08 11.9305

Mi Zhang, Xing Gao (Xingming Observatory), report the discovery of a possible supernova (mag approximately 17.3 on several 40-s survey image (limiting mag about 18.0) taken by Xing Gao at Xingming Observatory #3 (N88) around Aug. 11.93050 UTC using a unfiltered CCD (+Celestron C14 SchmidtCassegrain telescope D=356mm @f/6.9). The transient approximately located at R.A.=02h29m28.03s +31d38’38”.5 (equinox 2000.0). Which is about 6.6" east and 10.9" north of the center of the NGC940. Nothing is visible at this position on archival images taken on July. 27.88801 (limiting mag 18.0) . Images can be found at: http://xjltp.china-vo.org/psp21d.html

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