Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

PSN J04080713-0849372

PSN J04080713-0849372   2014 09 27.6965*  04 08 07.13 -08 49 37.2  16.5 U    5W   8N  N1516A    I 0

2014 09 27.697

Discovered by K. Itagaki, Yamagata, Japan, on an unfiltered CCD frame using 0.60-m f/5.7 reflector at Yamagata under the limiting magnitude = 19.5 which was confirmed on the following seven frames taken after the discovery. Itagaki writes nothing is visible at this location on his past frames including the most recent frame (limiting mag.= 17.0) taken on 2014 Sept. 8.784 UT and verifying was done on a frame (limiting mag.= 19.5) taken on 2008 Sept. 5.781 UT. Also he has put his discovery image at http://www.k-itagaki.jp/images/1516A.jpg.

2014 09 28.5801

I took confirmation image of this PSN with 0.7m f/6.6 astrograph and FLI PL-9000 CCD camera and 0.5m f/6.8 astrograph + FLI PL4710 CCD at Siding Spring, Australia, remotely.. Photometric results were V=16.55. My image available at http://meineko.sakura.ne.jp/ccd/PSN_J04080713-0849372.jpg Seiichiro Kiyota (Kamagaya, Japan)

2014 09 28.586

Mag.= 16.8, position end figures 07s.12, 36".9 observed by T. Noguchi, Chiba-ken, Japan, using 0.23-m f/6.3 Schmidt Cassegrain + unfiltered CCD. See an image at http://park8.wakwak.com/~ngc/images/PSNinNGC1516A.jpg.

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