PNV J05202109-7305433 2012 10 25.310 * 05 20 21.09 -73 05 43.3 11.5 I LMC 0 3
2012 11 05.52
We performed some follow-up of this object remotely through the 2.0-m f/10.0 Ritchey-Chretien + CCD + Bessel-R filter of Siding Spring-Faulkes Telescope South (MPC code E10). On our images taken on 2012, Nov. 5.52 we can confirm the presence of an optical counterpart with R-filtered CCD magnitude 13.4 at coordinates: R.A. = 05 20 21.10, Decl.= -73 05 43.2 (equinox 2000.0; UCAC-2 catalogue reference stars). Our confirmation image: - An animation showing a comparison between our confirmation image and the archive POSS2/UKSTU plate (R Filter - 1988): by Giovanni Sostero (Remanzacco Observatory/Faulkes Telescope), Nick Howes (Remanzacco Observatory/Faulkes Telescope), Ernesto Guido (Remanzacco Observatory/Faulkes Telescope) and Krzysztof Rochowicz (University Nicolai Copernici, Torun).