PNV J05580574-0011155 2017 11 21.6305* 05 58 05.74 -00 11 15.5 11.7 U Ori 5 0
2017 11 21.630
Discovered by T. Kojima, Gunma-ken, Japan, who found this on three frames taken by Canon EOS 6D + 135-mm f/3.2 lens under the limiting mag.= 13s and confirmed this (mag.= 12.2) taken on 2017 Nov. 21.651 UT using 200-mm f/3.2 lens. Nothing is visible at this location on a frame taken on 2017 Nov. 19.609 UT. There is a star (mag.=17.3, 05 58 05.94, -00 11 16.4) on USNO-A2.
2017 11 21.79
A blue star (Gaia DR1 position end figures 05.89s, 15.8"; G= 17.82 mag) with the following designations is 2" from the reported position of the transient: USNO-A2.0 0825-01801502, USNO-B1.0 0898-0072082, GSC2.3 S1KW013809, URAT1 450-025651, 2MASS J05580587-0011160, WISE J055805.87-001116.0, SDSS J055805.89-001115.9. PNV J05580574-0011155 is possibly a dwarf nova outburst with an amplitude of at least 6 magnitudes. --- Patrick Schmeer (Saarbrücken-Bischmisheim, Germany)
2017 11 20.493
USNO-A2.0 0825-01801502 (R= 17.3 mag) was already mentioned by Kojima-san. Some recent V/g magnitudes by the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae Sky Patrol (Shappee et al., 2014ApJ...788...48S; and Kochanek et al., 2017PASP..129j4502K): 2017 Nov. 15.189 UT, [16.36; 17.268, [16.34; 20.493, 13.13; 21.526, 12.57. --- Patrick Schmeer (Saarbrücken-Bischmisheim, Germany)
2017 11 22.1384
Photometry results were B=12.75, V=12.52 and Ic=12.57 with 0.43m (F6.8) CDK + SBIG STL-11000M CCD (T7, iTelescope.NET at Nerpio, Spain). Seiichiro Kiyota(Kamagaya, Japan)
2017 11 22.314
Mag. B= 12.80, V= 12.70, I= 12.76, position end figures 05s.90, 15".9 observed by K. Yoshimoto, Yamaguchi-ken, Japan, using 0.25-m f/3.4 Mayhill telescope, remotely. An image at
2017 11 22.41735
This transient was observed on 2017 11 22.41735 by Adriano Valvasori from New Mexico with iTelescope using 0.25-m f/3.4 reflector - CCD SBIG ST-10XME Scale 1,65"/pixel, 5x60 sec bin 1x1 with photometric filter V, show the source at 12.92 Mag. and figures for astrometry were AR 05 58 05.94 DEC -00 11 16.2 position measured from reference stars Gaia DR1 catalogue.
2017 11 23.548
Mag.= 13.4, position end figures 05s.88, 15".4 observed by T. Noguchi, Chiba-ken, Japan, using 0.23-m f/10 Schmidt Cassegrain + unfiltered CCD, who found a star (mag.= 17.0) on DSS (1990/10/28.743) at position end figures 05s.91, 16".1. An image at
2017 11 20.72074
Shigehisa Fujikawa, Kan'onji, Kagawa, Japan, reported his discovery of this PNV to NAOJ on 2017 Nov. 20.778 UT. He discovered this PNV on 2017 Nov. 20.72074 UT using 120-mm F/3.5 lens and confirmed it on Nov. 20.75234 UT using 400-mm F/4. 2017 11 20.72074 05 58 05.86 -00 11 14.3 12.7 2017 11 20.75234 05 58 05.90 -00 11 16.4 12.9 I apologize to Mr. Fujikawa and CBAT for reporting late.
2017 11 26.01968
Observation of this transient object was made on 2017 11 26.01968 by G. Locatelli at Maritime Alps Observatory (MPC K32) Cuneo, Italy, with a Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope 0.25 m. f/10 + Rc filter. Performed photometry returns these values: Sloan g - 13.499 ± 0.003; Sloan r - 13.587 ± 0.004; Sloan i - 13.654 ± 0.006. (Reference UCAC4 450-012893).