TCP J06333486-2305449 2023 10 29.7110* 06 33 34.86 -23 05 44.9 12.6 U CMa 9 6
2023 10 29.7110
Discovered by Yuji Nakamura, Kameyama, Mie, Japan, on two frames (30-s exp. limiting mag 15.5) taken by 0.10-m F3.0 refractor and CMOS camera. On Oct. 28.7123 UT, mag = 13.1 (30-s exp. limiting mag 15.5). Nothing is visible at this location on the frames taken on 2023 Oct. 23.7110 UT (30-s exp. limiting mag 16.0) by same instrument. --- Isao Endoh (NAOJ)
2023 10 30.2420
Photometry results were B=12.49, V=12.66, Rc=12.91 and Ic=13.19 with T72, iTelescope.NET (0.34m Astrograph f/6.8 + FLI ML16200 CCD) at Rio Hurtado Valley, Chile. - Seiichiro Kiypta (Kamagaya, Japan)
2023 10 30.6592
Position end figures 34s.85, 46".2 measured with 0.35m R-COP reflector + CCD at Perth Observatory, W. Australia. J2000, Gaia DR2 positions. Position corresponds to an 18.8 G magnitude star (Gaia DR3 2924954955730613376). Photometry using R-COP as follows: Oct 30.659 UT V = 12.35 and B = 12.45. Andrew Pearce, Nedlands, W. Australia.
2023 11 13.004
Andreoli.V, Vagnozzi.A, Castellani.F and Ochner.P reports: We obtain low resolution spectrum at 2023/11/02.022 with 0.5m telescope + MARK III spectrograph (resolution 2.74 Ang/pix ,self-build) located in Stroncone (Italy), Hight resolution spectrum with 1.22m telescope + B&C spectrograph (resolution 0.6 Ang/pix) at 2023/11/01.118 and 2023/11/4.132. Spectra shows a blue continuum, no evidence of Hα (6562.8 Ang) probably filled by accretion disk the other Balmer absorptions are presents. Hβ shows an FWHM of 2639 km/s . Also emission of O I (5577 Ang) and He I (4922 Ang) are clearly present in our low resolution spectrum. Considered d=0.2876 kpc from the 3D dust mapping (Green et al 2019) get E(B-V)≈0.005 B,V,I photometry was also collected with 0.25-m f/3.4 reflector + SBIG ST-10XME (T05 - iTelescope.NET) at 2023/11/02.358 with results B=12.879 ±0.047 , V=12.903 ± 0.033 and I= 12.953 ± 0.058 , (B-V)0 = -0.02 . Also considering the light curve reported by AAVSO which shows a "rapid" variation where 90 minutes pass between one maximum and the next within a slower decline. Gaia DR3 2924954955730613376 is also present in ZTF database at magnitude 19 (filter zr) that’s means Δmag ≈ 6.5 All this feature are compatible of WZ Sge stars so we propose to classify TCP J06333486-2305449 as a dwarf nova WZ Sge type.