Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

TCP J06410968+1947311

TCP J06410968+1947311   2020 11 16.3652*  06 41 09.68 +19 47 31.1  16.4 C             Gem       0 0

2020 11 16.3652

Discovered by M. Forslund and B. Forslund (Asteroid Hunters Transient Survey - AHTS) at AHS Observatory, Castaic, CA, USA, in three 30-second unfiltered exposures using a 0.36-m f/2.2 astrograph + CCD, with magnitude 16.4 under limiting magnitude 18.6. Nothing is visible at this location on the previous frame (limiting magnitude 18.2) taken on 2020 Nov. 8.3644 UT.

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