PSN J09233645+5603173 2014 03 23.63 * 09 23 36.45 +56 03 17.3 18.2 U 1W 1N 9 9
2014 03 23.63
We discovered this object on Mar.23.63 2014 UT in the Tsinghua University-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS), and the magnitude of the object on unfiltered CCD was about 18.2 mag. Discovery and reference images:
2014 03 24.3500
The host galaxy is PGC 2523893, morphological type Sa(f). Patrick Schmeer (Saarbrücken-Bischmisheim, Germany).
2014 03 25.340
This possible supernova in PGC 2523893 was not detected with 14 x 10 min images using a clear filter These data were collected remotely by Joseph Brimacombe, Coral Towers Observatory, Cairns, Australia. Link to image and further information: