PSN J09301230+5551135 2014 02 08.73 * 09 30 12.30 +55 51 13.5 18.3 U 8E 5N U05055 9 9
2014 02 08.73
We discovered this object on Feb.08.73 2014 UT in the Tsinghua University-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS), and the magnitude of the object on unfiltered CCD was about 18.3 mag. Discovery and reference images:
2014 02 09.90
I confirm the presence of this PSN(mag.near+17.5)from several unfiltered images taken by 0.35m. Sch.-Cass. F/5.5 + SXVR H-9 CCD camera;40sec. exposure;limit mag.+18.5; the PSN was not visible (limit mag.+19.0) on 2014/02/07.02(U.T.),40sec. exposure. Giancarlo Cortini (Monte Maggiore Observatory-Predappio-ITALY).
2014 02 12.972
This transient was observed on 2014 02 12.972 by Gianluca Masi, Francesca Nocentini and Patrick Schmeer, remotely using the 17"-f/6.8 corrected Dall-Kirkham robotic unit part of the Virtual Telescope Project facility, at Bellatrix Astronomical Observatory in Ceccano, Italy. 120-seconds exposures, unfiltered, show the source at mag. 16.9 (R mags for the reference stars from UCAC-4). We also performed astrometry, getting the following end figures: 12.28; 13.3 (J2000.0, mean residuals of 0.2" on both axes).
2014 02 12.406
This possible supernova in UGC 5055 was detected with 12 x 5 min images using a clear filter Photometry: Mag 17.67 +/- 0.17 C (V for ref) Astrometry: RA 09 30 12.31 Dec +55 51 13.4 These data were collected remotely by Joseph Brimacombe, Cairns, Australia. Link to image and further information:
2014 02 24.8451
PSN J09301230+5551135 2014 02 24.84 a mag 15.9U; R.A. = 09h30m12s.29, Decl. = +55 51 13.6 PSN J09301230+5551135 2014 02 24.84 b 0.24-m f/6.5 SCT+CCD Atik 314L; mag15.9U lim.mag19; 15x30" PSN J09301230+5551135 2014 02 24.84 c C92 Valdicerro Observatory, M.Caimmi - Loreto (AN) Italy
2014 03 09.80667
This transient was observed on 2014 03 09.80667 on PGC26970 by Massimo Caimmi on C92 Valdicerro Observatory - Loreto (AN) Italy, using 0.24-m f/6.5 SCT and CCD Atik 314L from suburban site (Long. 013 36 36 E, Lat. 43 25 35 N, Alt. 120m). Stack of 15 frames whit 30" unfiltered exposure, show the source at 16.1 mag. (limit mag.18.5). The astrometry position R.A. 09h30m12.25s, Dec. +55°51'13.0" was measured whit 16 of 29 reference stars from UCAC-4 catalogue. Hight turbolence and 63% of Moon - angular distance 50°. The follow-up image is visible on