Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

PNV J09555481+6903102

PNV J09555481+6903102   2020 03 14.6067*  09 55 54.81 +69 03 10.2  19.5 R  116E  45S  M81       R 1

2020 03 14.6067

Zhijian Xu and Xing Gao report the discovery of a possible nova in M81. The transient is approximately Mag. 19.5 on several 300-s survey images (limiting mag about 20.5) taken by Xing Gao in Xingming Observatory Sky Survey(C42) around Mar. 14.60672 UT using a r'(Sloan) filtered CCD (+ 0.6-m f/8 Ritchey-Chretien telescope). The transient approximately located at R.A.=09h55m54.81s +69d03'10".2 (equinox 2000.0). Which is about 116.1" east and 44.9" south of the center of the M81. Nothing is visible at this position on archival images taken on Mar 13.60015 (limiting mag 20.0). NET UCAC-4 XMr9ZX C2020 03 14.60672 09 55 54.81 +69 03 10.2 19.5 r C42 http://xjltp.china-vo.org/XMr9ZX.html. Xingming Observatory(C42) - NEXT, Mt. Nanshan, 0.6-m f/8 Ritchey-Chretien telescope and CCD.

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