Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

PSN J10483231+2635179

PSN J10483231+2635179   2014 12 15.50  *  10 48 32.31 +26 35 17.9  17.4 U   67E  16N  U5912     D 0

2014 12 15.969

Confirmed new object at 10 48 32.27 +26 35 18.1 V = 16.8, Not on SDSS. Nick James, C11 + ST9XE.

2014 12 21.04832

This transient was observed on 2014 12 21.04832 by G. Masi and P. Catalano, remotely using the 17"-f/6.8 robotic unit part of the Virtual Telescope Project facility, at Bellatrix Astronomical Observatory in Ceccano, Italy. 180-seconds exposures, unfiltered, show the source at mag. 16.0 (R mags for the reference stars from UCAC-4). We also performed astrometry, getting the following end figures: 32.29; 17.8 (J2000.0, mean residuals of 0.2" on both axes).

2014 12 21.213

This supernova was imaged using robotic instrument T18 (0.32-m f/8.0 astrograph + CCD) iTelescope.net at AstroCamp Observatory. Nerpio, Spain. Object measured 16.0V +/- 0.1 with V as reference on stack of 3x120-second exposures. Comparison stars are from UCAC4. Image: https://www.flickr.com/photos/watchingthesky/16071460781. S. Howerton

2015 02 11.0813

This supernova was observed using robotic instrument (0.40-m f/3.6 newton) from north Italy. Object magnitud(Astrometrica) mag = 17.7V (1x120sek ccd) Observers: M. Kusiak, M. Zolnowski, G.Duszanowicz

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