PSN J11173029+5124074 2012 12 20.0167* 11 17 30.29 +51 24 07.4 18.3 U 4E 4S P34479 9 0
2012 12 20.0167
PSN discovered in two unfiltered images taken at 2012 december 20th at 00:24 u.t. with the "Vittore Maioni" telescope of the Col Drusciè Observatory, in the cours of the Italian Supernovae Search Project by Alessandro Dimai. Reference discovery image:
2012 12 20.0070
Prediscovery image(mag.+18.2)2012Dec.20 at 00.10(U.T.)by Giancarlo Cortini-Monte Maggiore(Predappio-ITALY) from an unfiltered image taken by 0.35m.Sch.-Cass.F/5.5+SXVR H-9 CCD camera;40 sec. exposure;limiting mag.+19.0