PSN J11544229+4401181 2014 01 25.25 * 11 54 42.29 +44 01 18.1 17.5 U 0E 0N 5 1
2014 01 31
This object was discovered at mag 17.5 in unfiltered images (60s exposures) taken on Jan. 25.25 UT with the 0.45-m ROTSE-IIIb telescope at McDonald Observatory, Texas. The PSN was observed again at similar brightness on Jan. 26.26, at mag 17.0 on Jan 29.25, and at mag 16.9 on Jan. 31.26. No object was seen at this location in an image taken on Jan 22.25 to a limiting magnitude of 18.1. The PSN appears to be on the apparent host galaxy, SDSS J115442.19+440117.7. Follow up observations are encouraged, especially spectral follow up if possible. Image URL: (Ref: ATel #5832,
2014 02 01
PSN J11544229+4401181 (= ROTSE-III OT J115442.29+440118.1)
2014 02 02.916
This new object which is absent from DSS1 was on imaged on 20140202.916 with C14 and SBIG ST9XE (unfiltered) 120s exposure at Tarbatness Observatory MPC Code I81 RA=11 54 42.25 Dec+44 01 17.9 (0.008 0.007) 17 ref stars UCAC-4 Mag=16.4 RC Denis Buczynski