Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

PSN J12260879+6508077

PSN J12260879+6508077   2014 01 24.8224*  12 26 08.79 +65 08 07.7  16.3 U    1E   2N            9 0

2014 01 24.822

Vladimir Lipunov reports the discovery of a possible supernova by N. Tiurina using MASTER-Amur robotic telescope (0.40-m f/2.5 reflector + 4Kx4K CCD) and MASTER auto-detection system (MASTER-Net, http://observ.pereplet.ru) on the unfiltered survey images (60-sec exposures, limit 17.9m) obtained on 2014-01-24.822 UT. The new object of unfiltered magnitude 16.3m is located at R.A. = 12h26m08s.79, Decl. = +65o08'07".7 (J2000.0) which is 1" east and 2" north of the center of SDSS J122608.69+650805.7 galaxy (rmag=18.9). The object is seen in 2 images. We have reference image without OT on 2012-11-20.711 UT with unfiltered magnitude limit 18.3m. The discovery and reference images are available at: http://master.sai.msu.ru/static/OT/122608.79650807.7.png (ref. ATel 5833, http://www.astronomerstelegram.org/?read=5833 )

2014 01 30.551

V. Lipunov, N. Tiurina and D. Denisenko also report: we have obtained confirmation images of PSN J12260879+6508077 using the discovery MASTER-Amur telescope on Jan. 30.548-30.551 UT (180-sec exposures, limit 18.5m). Position end figures: 08s.81, 05".5; unfiltered magnitude 16.2m. Our images from Jan. 30 are posted at http://master.sai.msu.ru/static/OT/PSNJ122608+650805-MASTER-140130.png

2014 02 04.786

This transient was observed on 2014 02 04.786 by Gianluca Masi, Francesca Nocentini and Patrick Schmeer, remotely using the 17"-f/6.8 corrected Dall-Kirkham robotic unit part of the Virtual Telescope Project facility, at Bellatrix Astronomical Observatory in Ceccano, Italy. 120-seconds exposures, unfiltered, show the source at mag. 16.8 (R mags for the reference stars from UCAC-4). We also performed astrometry, getting the following end figures: 08.68; 05.0 (J2000.0, mean residuals of 0.2" on both axes).

2014 02 05.267

This possible supernova in USNOA2 1500-0555476 was detected with 3 x 10 min images using a clear filter Photometry: Mag 17.16 +/- 0.17 C (V for ref) Astrometry: RA 12 26 08.70 Dec +65 08 05.6 These data were collected remotely by Joseph Brimacombe, Coral Towers Observatory, Cairns, Australia. Link to image and further information: http://www.flickr.com/photos/43846774@N02/12814708834/

2014 02 07.329

Follow-up This possible supernova in USNOA2 1500-0555476 was detected with 5 x 10 min images using a clear filter Photometry: Mag 17.29 +/- 0.16 C (V for ref) Astrometry: RA 12 26 08.73 Dec +65 08 05.5 These data were collected remotely by Joseph Brimacombe, Coral Towers Observatory, Cairns, Australia. Link to image and further information: http://www.flickr.com/photos/43846774@N02/12814708834/

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