Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

PSN J12504523-1416085

PSN J12504523-1416085   2012 03 27.7089*  12 50 45.23 -14 16 08.5  16.4 U   12W   2S  N4726     I 0

2012 03 28.28043

Mag.=17.4, R.A.=12 50 45.20 Decl=-14 16 08.1 (UCAC-3), remotely using a 0.25-m f/3.4 hyperbolic astrograph + unfiltered CCD (SBIG ST-8XE) at iTelescope.NET T4 near Mayhill, NM, U.S.A. (H06). Position and magnitude were measured on an image composed from 3-frames which were taken by each 120-seconds exposure under the limiting magnitude = 19.5. Nothing is visible at this location on DSS2 (R-band, 1992 May 24, limit mag.= 19.3) Observer T. Yusa, Osaki, Japan. Link to my image: http://space.geocities.jp/yusastar77/supernova/PSNinNGC4726_120328.htm

2012 03 28.515

Mag.= 16.5 by T. Noguchi, Chiba-ken, Japan. Position end figures 45s.14, 08".6 using 0.23-m f/6.3 Schmidt Cassegrain + unfiltered CCD (BITRAN BT-11E) with 8 x 50-s exposure under the limit mag.= 18.0. See an image at http://park8.wakwak.com/~ngc/images/PSNinNGC4726_20120328.jpg.

2012 03 28.285

This possible supernova in PGC 926789 was seen with 3 x 15 min images Astrometry: RA 12 50 45.21 Dec -14 16 07.9 Photometry: 16.1 +/- 0.1 L These data were collected by Joseph Brimacombe, Cairns, Australia. Link to image and further information http://www.flickr.com/photos/43846774@N02/7025638787/

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