Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

TCP J12551112-4023404

TCP J12551112-4023404   2022 03 24.0147*  12 55 11.12 -40 23 40.4  16.5 U             Cen       9 0 

2022 03 24.01472

Discovered by E. Pimentel, C. Jacques, C. Colesanti, C. Barreto, J. Ribeiro, M. Domingues, J. Amancio, L. Amaral, P. Holvorcem, T. Napoleao on behalf of the Brazilian Transient Search - BraTS - at SONEAR Observatory, Oliveira, Brazil in three frames with 10 seconds exposure using an astrograph 280mm f/2.2 + CCD unfiltered, with magnitude 16.5 under limiting mag = 17.5. Nothing is visible at this location on the previous frames (limiting mag = 17.8) taken on 2022 Mar 03.2097 UT.

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