PNV J12595596-1648594 2016 06 02.506 * 12 59 55.96 -16 48 59.4 12.3 U Vir 3 0
2016 06 02.506
Discovered by T. Kojima, Gunma-ken, Japan on six frames with 4-s exposure taken withing 40-sec using Canon EOS 6D Digital Camera + 135-mm f/2.8 lens, who writes nothing is visible at this location on his past patrol frames. But Kojima found a star (mag.= R14.7, B17.4) located at R. A. = 12 59 55.99, Decl.= -16 48 59.4 on USNO catalog and also he couldn’t find this star on two frames taken 27-m earlier and 70-m later.
2016 06 03.29
Only 1.7" from GALEX J125955.9-164901 (NUV= 21.94 mag). Also listed in other catalogues (GSC, 2MASS, WISE, etc). Flare star? --- Patrick Schmeer (Bischmisheim, Germany)
2016 06 02.506
Discovery image at
2016 06 03.456
Mag.= 14.8, position end figures 55s.88, 59".6 observed by T. Noguchi, Chiba-ken, Japan using 0.23-m f/6.3 Schmidt Cassegrain + unfiltered CCD, who posted his frame at
2016 06 02.5006
Hisashi Miyazaki, Nara City, Nara Prefecture, reports that he had taken the field of this PNV on five frames with a 30-s exposure before Kojima's discovery using PENTAX K-1 camera + DFA 70-200mm f2.8 ED DC AW lens. He writes that the frames clearly show the increase in the light of the PNV and reports his estimates of its magnitudes as follows: June 02.5006 UT, [14.7; 02.5010, 13.0; 02.5015, 12.3; 02.5019, 11.5; 02.5024, 11.5.