Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

PSN J13280433-2928426

PSN J13280433-2928426   2020 04 03.2006*  13 28 04.33 -29 28 42.6  17.5 C             Hya       9 0

2020 04 03.2006

Discovered by L. Amaral, E. Pimentel, C. Jacques, C. Colesanti, C. Barreto, I. Mussi, J. Ribeiro, M. Domingues, J. Amancio, P. Holvorcem, T. Napoleao on behalf of the Brazilian Transient Search - BraTS - at Observatorio Campo dos Amarais, Bilac, Brazil in three frames with 60 seconds exposure using a 306mm f/2.9 reflector + CCD with magnitude 17.5 under limiting magnitude 19.5. Nothing is visible at this location on the previous frame (limiting mag = 19.5) taken on 2020 Mar. 27.2139 UT.

2020 04 06.0250

Transient with no visible host is 1.3" from source J132804.2-292842 in the Chandra Source Catalog, 2.2" from source J132804.2-292844 in the Catalog of Chandra ACIS point like sources, which gives a distance of 57.1 Mpc, and 1.1" from source J132804.4-292842 in The MORX Catalogue, which gives R = 18.6. Object may be very faintly visible in Pan-STARRS/DR1 image (from bands z and g) in AladinLite, and appears in DSS2 (red), but signficantly fainter than in our discovery images.

2020 04 04.1535

Mag. 15.9 clear and J2000.0 position end figures 04.32s, 42.7" on a 60-s exposure taken with a 306-mm f/2.9 reflector + CCD at Observatorio Campo dos Amarais, Bilac, Brazil. Observers L. Amaral, E. Pimentel, C. Jacques, C. Colesanti, C. Barreto, I. Mussi, J. Ribeiro, M. Domingues, J. Amancio, P. Holvorcem, T. Napoleao on behalf of the Brazilian Transient Search - BraTS.

2020 04 05.6301

Mag. 16.4 R, 15.3 B, 16.1 V; 0.50-m f/6.8 reflector + CCD at iTelescope.NET, SSO, Australia. Observers E. Pimentel, C. Jacques, L. Amaral, C. Colesanti, I. Mussi, J. Ribeiro, M. Domingues, J. Amancio, P. Holvorcem, T. Napoleao, C. Barreto on behalf of the Brazilian Transient Search (BraTS).

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