PSN J14005449+4058596 2014 04 18.9208* 14 00 54.49 +40 58 59.6 17.3 U 0E 12S N5410 2 0
2014 04 19.148
Object confirmed with 21 x 20 seconds unfiltered stacked exposures with 0.28m f/5 SCT + CCD on April 19.148, 2014. Photometry of 17.0 +/- 0.1 with V as reference. Comparison stars are from SDSS g and r data calculated to V. S. Howerton. Image:
2014 04 20119.4581
Astrometry: R.A. 14 00 54.41 Dec. +40 59 00.4 (J2000), Unfiltered CCD mag. 17.7 (K. Nishimura, Ebetsu, Hokkaido, Japan; with 0.35-m refl. SBIC ST-8XME CCD).
2014 04 19.4529
Astrometry: R.A. 14 00 54.41 Dec. +40 59 00.4 (J2000), Unfiltered CCD mag. 17.7 (K. Nishimura, Ebetsu, Hokkaido, Japan; with 0.35-m refl. SBIC ST-8XME CCD).
2014 04 19.4529
Astrometry: R.A. 14 00 54.41 Dec. +40 59 00.4 (J2000), Unfiltered CCD mag. 17.7 (K. Nishimura, Ebetsu, Hokkaido, Japan; with 0.35-m refl. SBIC ST-8XME CCD).
2014 04 19.89374
I imaged this new object using a C14+SBIG ST9XE + Cousins r filter + 6x60s and obtained the following results from measurements in Astrometrica RA 14 00 54.49 Dec+40 59 00.7 0.09 0.06 Mag= 16.0R 24 ref stars UCAC-4 Denis Buczynski Tarbatness Observatory MPC Code I81
2014 04 16.425
The object is marginally detected at ~3 sigma level by KAIT on April 16.425 UT with mag R~17.3 +/- 0.3, but no detection on April 14.392 with limiting mag ~17.5, and on April 10.4 with limiting mag ~18.3.
2014 04 19.9279
Follow up observation: 2014 April 19.9279 UT. Astrometric reduction results in end points of R.A. = 54".59 and Decl. = 58' 59".9. An unfiltered magnitude estimate places this new transient at mag +17.2.
2014 04 19.9279
Above observation by David Grennan, Raheny Observatory, 0.35-m newtonian and CCD.
2014 04 21.808
This transient was observed on 2014 04 21.808 by Gianluca Masi, Francesca Nocentini and Patrick Schmeer, remotely using the 17"-f/6.8 corrected Dall-Kirkham robotic unit part of the Virtual Telescope Project facility, at Bellatrix Astronomical Observatory in Ceccano, Italy. 120-seconds exposures, unfiltered, show the source at mag. 16.5 (R mags for the reference stars from UCAC-4). We also performed astrometry, getting the following end figures: 54.49; 59.8 (J2000.0, mean residuals of 0.2" on both axes).
2014 04 21.276
This possible supernova in NGC 5410 was detected with 5 x 10 min images using a clear filter Photometry: Mag 17.62 +/- 0.21 (V for ref; USNOA2) Astrometry: RA 14 00 54.51 Dec +40 58 59.7 These data were collected remotely by Joseph Brimacombe, Coral Towers Observatory, Cairns, Australia. Link to image and further information: