PSN J14571154+0849550 2014 01 02.0827* 14 57 11.54 +08 49 55.0 17.2 U 2E 2N 9 3
2014 01 02.083
Discovered by S. Shurpakov on MASTER-Kislovodsk survey images (60-sec unfiltered exposures, limit 19.2m). New object is located 2" east and 2" north of the center of galaxy SDSS J145711.42+084953.0 (g=21.07 r=20.78 i=20.33). Nothing is present on MASTER-Kislovodsk reference image on 2010-02-26.075 UT to limiting magnitude 19.8. D. Denisenko reports that the object was also found by V. Shumkov on 2013-12-30.122 UT image from the same telescope at unfiltered magnitude 17.3 (limit 19.1m).
2014 01 04.529
This possible supernova in an Anonymous Galaxy was detected with 6 x 10 min images using a clear filter Photometry: Mag 17.33 +/- 0.41 C (V as ref) Astrometry: RA 14 57 11.57 Dec +08 49 55.3 These data were collected remotely by Joseph Brimacombe, Cairns, Australia. Link to image and further information: