PSN J16525897+0224255 2013 04 11.396 * 16 52 58.97 +02 24 25.5 18.1 U 1E 22N N6240 0 9
2013 05 19.928
This transient was observed by Gianluca Masi and Francesca Nocentini, remotely using the 17" robotic unit part of the Virtual Telescope Project facility in Ceccano, Italy. 8, 120 seconds, unfiltered images were co-added and show the source at mag. 18.9 (R mags for the reference stars from UCAC-4). We also performed astrometry, getting the following end figures: 59.01s; 25.8" (J2000.0, mean residuals of 0.15" on both axes). Image scale was 1.2"/pixel.
2013 05 20.3919
L. Elenin (Lyubertsy, Russia) and I. Molotov (Moscow, Russia) can't confirm an apparent supernova candidate PSN J16525897+0224255. Object not visible on 3x150sec images remotely taken at ISON-NM Observatory (Mayhill, NM, USA) with 0.45-m f/2.8 telescope + CCD (KAF09000) on May 20.3919, 2013. Mag. limit ~20.2m. Pixel scale 2"/pix.
2013 05 20.231
This possible supernova in NGC 6240 was detected with 11 x 10 min images using a luminance filter Astrometry: RA 16 52 58.94 Dec +02 24 24.5 Photometry: 18.92 +/- 0.22 L (V for ref) These data were collected remotely by Joseph Brimacombe, Cairns, Australia. Link to image and further information:
2013 05 19.928
We made an image of this transient available here: G. Masi and F. Nocentini, The Virtual Telescope Project, Italy
2013 05 21.239
Follow-up This possible supernova in NGC 6240 was detected with 8 x 15 min images using an infrared filter Astrometry: RA 16 52 58.91 Dec +02 24 24.6 Photometry: 18.41 +/- 0.40 IR > 700 nm (R for ref) These data were collected remotely by Joseph Brimacombe, Cairns, Australia. Link to image and further information:
2013 06 7.05
Asiago-Padova spectroscopic ID: Normal type II-P supernova about two months after explosion.