Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

PNV J17073454-3608201

PNV J17073454-3608201   2019 06 11.5652*  17 07 34.54 -36 08 20.1  12.2 U             Sco       N 0

2019 06 11.5652

K.Nishiyama and F.Kabashima nothing visible this PN 2019 06 10.5764

2019 06 11.5652

K.Nishiyama and F.Kabashima nothing visible this PN 2019 06 10.5764

2019 06 11.67

This is ASASSN-19mo Discovered 2019 May 13.34UT.

2019 06 11.5852

that PN is`t visible 2019 06 10.5764 over 13.5mag K.Nishayama and F.Kabashama, Japan

2019 06 11.319

As already mentioned above, this must be ASASSN-19mo (= "Nova Scorpii 2019"), which is currently brightening again – as can be seen in the recent ASAS-SN Sky Patrol (Shappee et al. 2014ApJ...788...48S and Kochanek et al. 2017PASP..129j4502K) light curve for the position (as reported above by Nishiyama-san and Kabashima-san) of the transient: https://asas-sn.osu.edu/light_curves/9c33af96-de43-4889-ac86-7b0b7e575ac5 --- Patrick Schmeer (Saarbrücken-Bischmisheim, Germany)

2019 06 11.5652

This phenomenon is may be rebrightening of ASAS-SN-MO 2019 Msy 13.34UT. But We wonder why, it rebrighten after 29 days from ASAS-SN-MO star. It is very rare phenominon. K.Nishiyama and F.Kabashama.

2019 06 12.6469

This PN is 12.1mag 2019 06 12.64694UT K.Nishayama Japan

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