PNV J17395600-2447420 2012 05 19.484 * 17 39 56.00 -24 47 42.0 10.5 U Oph 9 1
2012 05 19.484
Discovered by John Seach. DSLR 50 mm f/1.0 lens. Magnitude 10.5. Visible on 6 images, limiting magnitude 11.0. No object visible on 6 images taken on May 18.488 UT, limiting magnitude 11.0.
2012 05 19.679
A new object is visible about 0.7 arcminutes NE of stated discovery position, mag 10.6 unfiltered (DSLR). Object not visible to limiting magnitude of approx 12.5 on 17.525 May 2012 UT. Observer: Rob Kaufman, Bright, Victoria, Australia. Link to image:
2012 05 20.3936
Following the posting on the Central Bureau's Transient Object Confirmation Page about a possible Nova in Oph (TOCP Designation: J17395600-2447420) we performed some follow-up of this object remotely through the 0.43-m f/6.8 astrograph + CCD of ITelescope network (MPC Code - H06). On our images taken on May 20.3, 2012 we can confirm the presence of an optical counterpart with unfiltered CCD magnitude 9.5 at coordinates: R.A. = 17 39 57.00, Decl.= -24 47 07.3 (equinox 2000.0; CMC-14 catalogue reference stars). An animation showing a comparison between our confirmation image and the archive POSS2/UKSTU plate (R Filter - 1996): Our confirmation image: by Ernesto Guido, Giovanni Sostero & Nick Howes
2012 05 18.735
On my last frame taken on 2012 05 18.735 under limiting mag of 13.2, the object was not detected with STL-6303E and 100mm F4 lens. It seems to have got brightened thereafter. Akira Takao in Kitakyushu, Japan.
2012 05 18.6140
This object was not seen on my image taken 2012 May 18.6140 U.T. with 85mm(F2) camera lens+ST-10XME CCD camera+Ic filter. Limiting magnitude was about 14 in Ic band. I do not have image on May 19 due to bad weather. Seiichiro Kiyota, Tsukuba, Japan
2012 05 22.6695
I observed this object at mag 10.4 on the image ( limiting mag 12.1) taken with unfiltered STL-6303E and 100mm F4 lens on 2012 05 22.6695 UT. Akira Takao in Kitakyushu,Japan.
2012 05 23.98
This object was observed by Luca Buzzi and Federica Luppi with a 0.38-m f/6.8 reflector + CCD from Schiaparelli Observatory, Italy. In a single 15-sec unfiltered image (SNR 170) the object has position end figures 57s.01 and 07".1 and magnitude 10.3 (UCAC-3).