Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

TCP J17453768-1756253

TCP J17453768-1756253   2015 02 27.8391*  17 45 37.68 -17 56 25.3  12.4 C             Sgr       0 3  

2015 02 27.8391

Detected (mag about 12.4) by H. Nishimura, Kakegawa, Shizuoka, Japan in four images taken with Canon EOS5D + 200mm F/3.2 lens (limiting mag about 13.6). It was also detected (mag about 12.3) on a image taken on Feb. 26.813 UT, but not detected on images taken on Feb. 23.830 UT and earlier (limiting mag about 13.6). It is possibly related with an UCAC4-cataloged star (fmag 16.228) with position end figures of 37s.781, 22".4, and X-ray source 1SWXRT J174537.4-175623 or J174537.8-175621. Kouzuma and Yamaoka (2010, MNRAS, 405, 2062) listed up this object as an AGN candidate.

2015 02 28.7768

I took confirmation images of this transient object with 0.43-m f/6.8 CDK astrograph + FLI PL16803 (T30, iTelescope.NET) at Siding Spring Observatory, NSW, Australia, remotely. Photometry results were B=12.57, V=12.40, Rc=12.32 and Ic=12.28. Position end figures were 37.75 and 22.39. My image is available at http://meineko.sakura.ne.jp/ccd/TCP_J17453768-1756253.jpg Seiichiro Kiyota (Kamagaya, Japan)

2015 02 28.77561

Photomety: B=12.7, V=12.5, R=12.4, position end figures 37s.73, 23".8, remotely using a 0.43-m f/6.8 astrograph + CCD at the iTelescopeNET Siding Spring, Australia. Observer T. Yusa, Osaki, Japan. An image was put on URL http://space.geocities.jp/yusastar77/supernova/PNinSer_141228.htm

2015 02 28.77561

sorry, correction of URL o http://space.geocities.jp/yusastar77/supernova/PNinSgr_150228.htm X http://space.geocities.jp/yusastar77/supernova/PNinSer_141228.htm

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