PNV J17561375-2942546 2020 01 30.8568* 17 56 13.75 -29 42 54.6 11.5 Sgr 9 0
2020 01 30.8568
Minoru Yamamoto, Okazaki, Aichi, Japan, reported his discovery of this PNV to NAOJ on 2020 Jan. 31.5715 UT. He discovered it on a frame taken on 2020 Jan. 30.85879 UT using CANON 6D DSLR + 180mm F3.5 lens. He reported the position RA 17 56 13.75, Dec -29 42 54.6 (2000.0, measurer H. Kaneda) and magnitude 11.5 (limiting mag 12.5). He confirmed this PNV on Jan. 31.83899 UT (mag. 11.6).
2020 01 30.8568
correction : Yamamoto's discovery date is NOT "30.85879 UT" but "30.85679 UT".
2020 02 01.876
2020 02 01.7517
Photometry results were B=12.20, V=11.03, Rc=10.11 and Ic=9.30 with 0.50-m f/4.5 CDK astrograph + FLI PL6303E CCD at iTelescope, SSO, Aistralia. Position end figures were 14.04 and 58.04 in R.A. and Dec. Seiichiro Kiyota (Kamagaya, Japan)