PNV J17574737+0444564 2019 05 27.2129* 17 57 47.37 +04 44 56.4 9.0 C Oph 9 1
2019 05 27.2129
Discovered by C. Jacques, J. Barros, E. Pimentel, P. Holvorcem, on behalf of the Brazilian Transient Search - BraTS - at SONEAR Observatory, Oliveira, Brazil with three frames with 10 seconds exposure using an astrograph 11"f/2.2 + CCD camera with magnitude 9.0 under limiting mag = 16.5. Nothing is visible at this location on the previous frame (limit mag = 16.2) taken 2019 May 08.2769 UT.
2019 05 27.5
V2500 Oph