PNV J17581670-2914490 2021 04 04.825 * 17 58 16.70 -29 14 49.0 8.4 U Sgr 0 0
2021 04 04.825
Discovered by Andrew Pearce, Nedlands, W.Australia, who found this star on six frames (limit mag.= 11.5) taken with Canon 1100D digital camera + 100-mm f/2.8 lens, writes nothing is visible at the discovery position on six frames taken on 2021 Mar. 27.794 UT or Apr. 1.791 UT with the same instrument. Star was visually confirmed on Apr 4.857 UT at magnitude 8.8. Position is approximate. Star is located 2' NW of V3895 Sgr.
2021 04 04.639
Confirming observation: Approximate position 17 58 15.2 -29 14 50 J2000 (uncertainty ~10"), magnitude 8.9 unfiltered using Canon 6D camera, focal length 135-mm, f/2.8 (30s exposure). Further observation on Apr. 4.799 UT at magnitude 9.1 unfiltered. Rob McNaught (Coonabarabran, NSW, Australia)
2021 04 05.16785
Follow up by BraTS - Astrometry J2000 - 17 58 16.08 -29 14 56.6 - mag 8.3 (unfiltered) - Astrograph 280mm f/2.2 - SONEAR Observatory - Oliveira - Brazil
05 04 05.1577
mag 8.3U; R.A. = 17 58 16.14, Decl. = -29 14 55.9 TEL 0.4-m f/2.8 reflector + CCD Atik460ex. Exp = 3x5s. Observer F. Kugel, Banon 04, France.
2021 04 02.657
Further followup observations: Nova suspect not visible to a limiting magnitude of 13.0 on image taken on Apr. 2.657 UT, limiting magnitude 12.0 on Apr. 2.715 UT and limiting magnitude 11.0 on Apr. 2.776 UT, all unfiltered, using Canon 6D camera, focal length 135-mm, f/2.8 (29s exposures). Further positive observation on Apr. 4.717 UT at magnitude 9.0 (unfiltered). No images possible on April 3rd due to Moon. Rob McNaught (Coonabarabran, NSW, Australia).
2021 04 05.4188
Photometry results were B=9.03,V=8.02 and Ic=6.82 with 0.25m Reflector + ST-10XME CCD at Mayhill, USA (T5, iTelescope.NET) Seiichiro Kiyota(Kamagaya, Japan)
2021 04 05.482
Position end figures 16s.06, 56".5 measured with 0.43m f/6.8 reflector + CCD at Mayhill, NM. J2000, Gaia DR2 positions. Photometry as follows: Apr. 5.482 UT V = 8.08, Apr. 5.483 UT B = 9.16 & Apr. 5.484 UT I = 6.50. Andrew Pearce, Nedlands, W.Australia
2021 04 05.2892
The transient was also detected by the ASAS-SN Sky Patrol (Shappee et al. 2014ApJ...788...48S and Kochanek et al. 2017PASP..129j4502K): 2021 March 30.251 UT, fainter than gmag. 14.9; April 5.292 UT, gmag. 8.98; 5.460 UT, gmag. 9.01. No previous brightening was recorded since 2016 March 10; complete light curve and data at —— Patrick Schmeer (Saarbrücken-Bischmisheim, Germany)
2021 04 05.4747
Photometry results were V=8.02, B=9.07. Position end figures 16s.09, 56".6 measured with a 0.25m reflector 0.25m Reflector + ST-10XME CCD at Mayhill, USA (T5, iTelescope.NET). Robert Fidrich (Budapest, Hungary)
2021 04 05.81796
Follow-up observation: 2021 Apr. 05.81796. Mag.= 7.97 TG +/- 0.05 using Canon EOS 60D camera, focal length 135-mm, f/5.6 (stacked 5x5 sec., ISO-6400). Haze. Filipp Romanov (Yuzhno-Morskoy, Nakhodka, Russia). My photo (stacked 90x5 sec.):
2021 04 05.679
Further follow up observations: Apr. 5.679 UT magnitude 8.1 (unfiltered) and Apr. 5.769 UT magnitude 7.8 (unfiltered) taken with a Canon 6D 135mm f/2.8 camera (48s exposure). Rob McNaught (Coonabarabran, NSW, Australia)
2021 04 05.317
The Global Jet Watch Project reports that spectroscopic observations taken of PNV J17581670-2914490 at its Chilean telescope on 20210405.317 have detected broad H-alpha in emission with a very strong P-Cygni profile. Subsequent observations at the GJW India telescope confirm this