TCP J18200437-1033071 2019 04 08.7083* 18 20 04.37 -10 33 07.1 13.3 U Ser 9 0
2019 04 08.708
Discovered by H. Nishimura, Shizuoka-ken, Japan, on three frames using Canon EOS 6D Digital camera + 200-mm f/3.2 lens under the limiting mag = 14.7, who writes nothing is visible at this location on two frames taken on 2019 Apr. 5.724 and 6.720 UT with the limit mag.= 14s and there is a star (mag = 15.5) on USNO-A2.0 catalog.
2019 04 08.118
Recent observations by the ASAS-SN Sky Patrol (Shappee et al. 2014ApJ...788...48S and Kochanek et al. 2017PASP..129j4502K) confirm this transient: 2019 Apr. 7.076 UT, gmag. fainter than 16.33; 8.118, 13.77; 8.574, 13.45; no previous eruptions or outbursts were recorded since 2012 Apr. 22/2015 Feb. 1; complete light curve at Galactic latitude +2.1°. Galactic nova? --- Patrick Schmeer (Saarbrücken-Bischmisheim, Germany)
2019 04 08.88
Nishimura-san wrote: "There is a star (mag = 15.5) on USNO-A2.0 catalog." This star is USNO-A2.0 0750-12956864 (Bmag. 15.7, Rmag. 15.3; epoch 1951.577) with position end figures 04.28s, 07.8" (J2000.0); it is not included in other catalogues (or several magnitudes fainter and at a somewhat different position). A previous brightening of this object in 1951 July? --- Patrick Schmeer (Saarbrücken-Bischmisheim, Germany)
2019 04 09.3530
TCP J18200437-1033071 was clearly visible at 13.5V brightness on a 60s CCD V image taken by Robert Fidrich, Budapest, Hungary on 9.3530 April 2019, using a 0.25cm reflector remotely at Mayhill, New Mexico, USA.
2019 04 09.3814
Photometry results were B=13.93, V=13.54 and Ic=14.44 with 0.25-m f/3.4 astrograph + SBIG ST-10XME CCD at iTelescope.NET(Mayhill, NM, USA), Position end figures were 04.23 and 08.6 in R.A. and Dec. Seiichiro Kiyota(Kamagaya, Japan)
2019 04 09.3530
Position end figures were 04.21 and 08.7 RA and D respectively. Astrometry based on a 60s V and 2x45s I-band images taken by Robert Fidrich, Budapest, Hungary on 9.3530 April 2019, using a 0.25cm reflector remotely at Mayhill, NM.
2019 04 09.3530
Position end figures were 04.21 and 08.7 RA and D respectively. Astrometry based on a 60s V and 2x45s I-band images taken by Robert Fidrich, Budapest, Hungary on 9.3530 April 2019, using a 0.25cm reflector remotely at Mayhill, NM.
2019 04 09.47
Vizer shows only a ~22.76g mag (~21.8r mag) sources within 0.06 arcsec of the positions provided by recent astrometry: VPHAS DR2 J182004.2-103308.7 (PNSTARRS 95332750174837530). This suggest an object with at least 8 magnitude amplitude. (Robert Fidrich, Budapest, Hungary)
2018 0404 09.47
A progenitor candidate is PSO J182004.207-103308.550 (at RA 18 20 04.207, DE -10 33 08.66, J2000.0; gmag. 21.9, rmag. 22.1) = VPHASDR2 J182004.2-103308.7; USNO-A2.0 0750-12956864 (Bmag. 15.7, Rmag. 15.3; epoch 1951.577 – see above) is 1" away and may have been a previous outburst in 1951 July. --- Patrick Schmeer (Saarbrücken-Bischmisheim, Germany)
2019 04 09.47
(Date of follow-up report corrected) --- A progenitor candidate is PSO J182004.207-103308.550 (at RA 18 20 04.207, DE -10 33 08.66, J2000.0; gmag. 21.9, rmag. 22.1) = VPHASDR2 J182004.2-103308.7; USNO-A2.0 0750-12956864 (Bmag. 15.7, Rmag. 15.3; epoch 1951.577 – see above) is 1" away and may have been a previous outburst in 1951 July. --- Patrick Schmeer (Saarbrücken-Bischmisheim, Germany)
2019 04 09.3814
Correction of my last follow up report. Ic=13.24m not 14.44. Seiichiro Kiyota
2019 04 09.3556
I-band photometry: 12.90Ic on 9.3556 April 2019 based on 2x45s CCD images taken by Robert Fidrich, Budapest, Hungary using a 0.25cm reflector remotely at Mayhill, NM, US.