PNV J18202726-2744263 2012 07 07.4986* 18 20 27.26 -27 44 26.3 7.8 U Sgr N 0
2012 07 07.4986
Koichi Nishiyama, Kurume,Japan and Fujio Kabashima, Miyaki,Japan report a discovery of possible nova (mag.= 7.8) in Sgr on two 40-s unfiltered CCD frames taken around 2012 Jul. 07.4986 UT ( limiting magnitude=13.7 ), using a 105-mm f/4 camera lens (+SBIG STL6303E camera). We have confirmed immediately the appearance of our discovery this PN on five 3-s unfiltered CCD frames taken around 2012 Jul. 07.5091 UT ( limiting magnitude=17.0 ), using a Meade 200R 0.40-m f/9.8 reflector (+SBIG STL1001E camera). (lens magnitude of referred catalogue Hipparcos, others reference catalogue GSC-ACT) Nothing is visible at this location on two past survey frames taken on 2012 Jun 12.637 UT(limiting mag.= 13.6) and 13.609 UT (limiting mag.= 13.3) nor on 2MASS,USNO-B1.0, We have checked in Minor Planets. nearest star in USNO B1.0 has position end figures 27s352, 22"45, distance 4".0, magnitudes B2=16.98 R2=17..41 I=16.12
2012 07 07.499
Mag.= 7.8 by independent discovery by Hiroshi Kaneda, Sapporo, Japan, on four frames exposed by three seconds using a Digital Camera + 105-mm f/2.5 lens without filter under the limiting magnitude= 8.7. Also he has confirmed this star on the following eight frames after his discovery. This star is not visible on his survey frames taken on 2012 June 28 (Limit mag.= 9.0) and June 29 (Limit mag.= 8.6).
2012 07 07.496
Mag.= 8.9 by independent discovery by Hideo Nishimura, Shizuoka-ken, Japan, on four frames with 15-s exposure using Canon EOS 5D Digital Camera + Canon 200-mm f/3.2 lens under the limiting magnitude= 14.7 mounted on Takahashi EM100 equatorial telescope at Mt. Ogasa, Kakegawa. Position end figures 27s.11 and 26".1. Nishimura writes this star is not visible on a frame taken on 2012 June 20 under limit mag.= 13s.
2012 07 07.520
Mag.= 7.7, independent discovery by Shizuo Kaneko, Shizuoka-ken, on two frames with 10-s exposure using Canon EOS 5D Mark II Digital Camera + Canon 200-mm f/2.8 lens. Position end figures 27s.30 and 26".5.
2012 07 08.17
Photometry calibrated with Loneos stars: B=8.1 V=7.8 R=7.5 (2012 Jul. 08.17 UT); Observer: A. Klotz; Instrument: TAROT la Silla, Chile. The magnitudes stay at the same values 3 hours later (2012 Jul. 08.29 UT).
2012 07 07.200
H. Levato, C. Saffe (ICATE), C. Mallamaci, C. Lopez and F. Podest (Observatorio Astronomico Felix Aguilar; OAFA), D. Denisenko, P. Balanutsa, V. Lipunov, E. Gorbovskoy, V. Kornilov, A. Belinski, N. Shatskiy, A. Kuznetsov (Moscow State University, SAI), K. Ivanov (Irkutsk State University) report: MASTER-ICATE very wide field camera (D=70 mm f/1.2 + 11 Mpix CCD, scale 22"/pixel, FOV 16x24 deg) located in Argentina has obtained images of the field centered at 18 15 59.3 -39 07 21 on 2012 July 07 at 04:46-04:51 UT. Nova Sagittarii No. 4 is visible on the combined image at unfiltered magnitude 7.8m (Tycho V zeropoint) with position end figures 27s.16, 26".6. 600x600 crop of the combined prediscovery image is posted at