Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

PNV J18214769-2254265

PNV J18214769-2254265   2024 02 22.696 *  18 21 47.69 -22 54 26.5  10.6 U             Sgr       9 7

2024 02 22.696

Possible new nova discovered by John Seach, Grafton NSW Australia. 2024 Feb 22.696 UT Object visible on 3 images taken by DSLR with 50 mm F/1.2 lens. Limiting magnitude 11.0. No minor planet visible at position on minor planet checker. No object visible on DSS-2 red. No object visible on reference images from 2024 February 15.649 UT taken with same equipment.

2024 02 21.1210

The object was fainter than the unfiltered magnitude CV=13.0 at the NMW ( https://scan.sai.msu.ru/nmw/ ) images obtained on 2024-02-21.1210 UT, 1.6 days prior to discovery. ---- Stanislav Korotkiy (Astroverty, Ka-Dar), Kirill Sokolovsky (UIUC, SAI MSU), Sergei Ostapenko

2024 02 22.842

(1) Ceres was located at 18 21 40.3 -22 53 54 at time of discovery observation.

2024 02 22.696

Thanks for clarification. It appears that minor planet checker was not working.

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