PNV J18314593-1418557 2017 07 28.8812* 18 31 45.93 -14 18 55.7 7.1 R Sct 9 0
2017 07 28.8812
Object found on two connsecutive 60s exposures with 301mm, f/4 lens, Apogee Alta U16M CCD and R filter. MPC database give no object at this position. Not present on images taken with the same setup on 2017 June 19 and 18, 2017 May 31 and 29. Not present on several DSS blue and red survey images. Image H. Mikuz, Crni Vrh Observatory
2017 06 19.41
PNV J18314593-1418557 and TCP J18314588-1418559 are both identical with ASASSN-17hx, a spectroscopically confirmed Galactic nova (cf. ATel #10527) that was already discovered on 2017 June 19.41 UT "during the ongoing All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae" (cf. ATels #10523 and #10524, 2017 June 23): --- Patrick Schmeer (Saarbrücken-Bischmisheim, Germany)