TCP J18320313+0231103 2023 04 27.7202* 18 32 03.13 +02 31 10.3 10.8 U Ser 9 1
2023 04 27.72015
Discovered by Hideo Nishimura, Kakegawa, Shizuoka, Japan on three frames (10-s exp. limiting mag 14) taken by Canon EOS 6D digital camera + 200-mm F/3.0 lens. On Apr. 27.73338 UT, mag=11.1, position end figures 03s.19, 09".4. Nothing is visible at this location on the frames taken on 2023 Apr. 26.72082 UT (limiting mag 14) by same instrument. --- Seiichiro Naito and Isao Endoh (NAOJ)
2023 04 27.69
Mag < 14.5 on 2023 Apr27.6903UT by Canon EOS 6D + 300mm f/3.2 lens, T.Kojima