PNV J18380817-1545534 2017 06 19.6509* 18 38 08.17 -15 45 53.4 12.8 U Sct 5 0
2017 06 19.651
Discovered by T. Kojima, Gunma-ken, Japan, on six frames using 200-mm f/3.2 lens + Canon EOS6 digital camera, who writes nothing is visible at this location on recent two frames taken on 2017 May 17 and June 2 UT.
2017 06 19.96
USNO-B1.0 0742-0640137 (position end figures 08.18s, 53.4"; R1= 17.88, R2= 17.47, I= 17.17 mag) is only 0.1" from the reported position of this transient. --- Patrick Schmeer (Saarbrücken-Bischmisheim, Germany)
2017 06 20.3239
I took images in V and Rc (120sec each) with 0.50-m f/4.5 CDK astrograph + FLI-PL11002M CCD at iTelescope.NET, Mayhill, NM, USA remotely. But there was no transient object at potion reported. Seiichiro Kiyota (Kamagaya, Japan)