PNV J18441516-1732310 2011 10 03.4245* 18 44 15.16 -17 32 31.0 11.3 U Sgr 9 1
2011 10 04.45
Discovered by Y. Sakurai, Japan, on two frames taken on 2011 October 3.425 UT with 15 second exposures using Fuji FinePix S2 Pro Digital Camera + Nikon 180-mm f/2.8 lens under the limiting magnitude = 13.0. This star is not visible on a frame taken on 2011 Sept. 27.5 UT under the limit mag.= 12.4. On Oct. 4.45 UT Sakurai has confirmed the appearance of this star using same digital camera and 300-mm f/2.8 lens. Position from/on this frame R. A.=18h 44m 15s.20, Decl.=-17o 32' 36".7 (+/-2"), mag.= 11.5 (+/-0.4).
2011 10 01.5417
DSS Coloured plate sourced from Aladin shows a bright source at reported position. Unfiltered DSLR image taken 01.5417 Oct 2011 is indeterminate because of scale but shows a source a little under an arcminute SW of reported position at unfilt mag 12.5-13.0, which has no counterpart in DSS plate or in unfiltered DSLR image taken 18.5500 Sept 2011. Composite image (inc DSS plate) here:
2011 10 05.1478
I took images of this possible nova using 25cm reflector (fl=850mm) +SBIG ST-10 CCD camera at Mayhill. NM (Global-rent-a-scope 004). 2011 Oct. 05.1478-05.1510, B=13.00, V=11.64, R=10.14, I=7.62. Comparison star is TYC 6284-570. Position end figures; 14.95, 33.53 (2000.0) There are a star on SERC.I-DSS2.S592 image (Aladin, Simbad) but this object was brighter than that DSS image. my image: Seiichiro Kiyota (Tsukuba, Japan)
2011 10 06.0838
Object detected at position end figures 14.95, 33.9 (UCAC3). Magnitude 10.8 U +/- 0.1. Possible precursor objects: USNO B-0724-0935467, position end figures 14.927, 33.73. UCAC3 145-364066, position end figures 14.95, 33.5. Object seen on DSS. All precursor candidates are around magnitude 15-16. Observer: R. A. Koff, Bennett, Colorado USA (H09). Image posted at
2011 10 07.415
Mag.= 10.0. Observed by T. Noguchi, Katori, Japan, using 0.23-m f/6.3 Schmidt Cassegrain + unfiltered CCD (BITRAN BT-11E) with 30-second exposure under the limiting magnitude= 17.5. Position end figures 14s.94, 34".2. There is a star on DSS (POSS2/UKSTU Red 1992).
2011 10 5.171
This possible nova in Sagittarius was seen with 2 x 180 sec images using a clear filter. Astrometry: RA 18 44 14.94 Dec -17 32 33.9 Photometry: 11.4 +/- 0.4 C These data were collected by Joseph Brimacombe, Cairns, Australia. Link to image and further information:
2011 10 11.0789
Position end figures 14.94, 33.7 (UCAC3). Magnitude 10.6 U +/- .01: 10.8 V +/0.1: 8.4 I +/ .01 . Observer: R. A. Koff, Bennett, Colorado USA (H09). Precursor object, in addition to previous report: 2MASS 18441496-1732336.