PNV J18523496-0018423 2012 10 20.4294* 18 52 34.96 -00 18 42.3 12.6 U Aql N 0
2012 10 20.4351
Koichi Nishiyama, Kurume,Japan and Fujio Kabashima, Miyaki,Japan report a discovery of possible nova (mag.= 12.6) in Aql on two 40-s unfiltered CCD frames taken around 2012 Oct. 20.429 UT ( limiting magnitude=13.8 ), using a 105-mm f/4 camera lens (+SBIG STL6303E camera). We have confirmed immediately the appearance of our discovery this PN on five 3-s unfiltered CCD frames taken around 2012 Oct 20.435 UT ( limiting magnitude=18.5 ), using a Meade 200R 0.40-m f/9.8 reflector (+SBIG STL1001E camera). (lens magnitude of referred catalogue Hipparcos, others reference catalogue GSC-ACT) Nothing is visible at this location on two past survey frames taken on 2012 Oct 12.470 UT(limiting mag.= 14.1) and 14.472 UT (limiting mag.= 14.1) nor on 2MASS,USNO-B1.0, but prediscover mag=13.2 Oct. 15.428 UT ( limiting magnitude = 14.1 ),. mag=12.3 Oct. 18.434 UT ( limiting magnitude = 14.1 ),. mag=12.2 Oct. 19.434 UT ( limiting magnitude = 14.0 ).. We have checked in Minor Planets. nearest star in USNO B1.0 has position end figures 34s913, 42"48, distance 0".7, magnitudes R1=19.25 I=18.09
2012 10 19.4213
I confirmed this object at mag 12.1U on my 2 images taken with almost same instruments ( STL-6303E, 100mm F4 lens, unfiltered ). A. Takao ( Kitakyushu, Japan )
2012 10 20.524
Mag.= 12.1 observed by T. Noguchi, Chiba-ken, Japan. Position end figures 34s.95, 42".7 on a frame using 0.23-m f/6.3 Schmidt Cassegrain + unfiltered CCD with 10-s exposure under the limit mag.= 15.0. See an image at
2012 10 20.7303
The object was remotely imaged by Gianluca Masi, Francesca Nocentini and Patrick Schmeer with the 432mm-f/6.8 reflector part of the Virtual Telescope Project (Ceccano, FR, Italy). 20-sec, unfiltered exposures were measured, using the NOMAD catalogue (assuming its R mags for the comparison stars). Astrometry follows (J2000.0): 18 52 34.98 -00 18 42.4 (>1000 reference stars; mean residuals: 0.3" on both axes) Photometry (unfiltered image, R-mag for the ref stars, mean residual: 0.3 mag): 2012 10 20.73026 11.4
2012 10 20.8709
This object was observed by Luca Buzzi and Federica Luppi from Schiaparelli Observatory, Varese, Italy. In a single 15 second unfiltered image, with a 0.38-m f/6.8 reflector + CCD, the object has position end figures 34s.96, 42".5 and magnitude 11.2 in a 5" radius aperture with UCAC-4 catalogue. Image posted at URL
2012 10 21.0711
PNV detected at coordinates 18 52 34.99 -00 18 42.5 (UCAC3). Magnitude 13.17 V +/- 0.10. Limiting magnitude 15.8 V. Measurements are average of five separate 60-sec images, V filter. Observer: R. A. Koff, Antelope Hills Observatory, Bennett, Colorado USA (H09). Image posted at:
2012 10 21.0568
Multiband photometry results; B=17.31, V=14.10, Rc=12.11, Ic=10.23. 43cm Astrograph+FLI PL-6303E CCD Camera (T21, iTelescope.NET @ Mayhill, NM, USA)(Seiichiro Kiyota, Tsukuba, Japan)
2012 10 22.76235
The object was remotely imaged again by Gianluca Masi, Francesca Nocentini and Patrick Schmeer with the 432mm-f/6.8 reflector part of the Virtual Telescope Project (Ceccano, FR, Italy). 20-sec, unfiltered exposures were measured, using the NOMAD catalogue (assuming its R mags for the comparison stars). Photometry (unfiltered image, R-mag for the ref stars, mean residual: 0.3 mag) 2012 10 22.76235: 11.8
2012 10 21.419
M. Fujii (Kurashiki, Okayama, Japan) obtained a spectrum of this possible nova with the 0.4-m telescope of Fujii Kurosaki Observatory and found its H-alpha emission had a P-Cyg profile; the difference between the absorption bottom and the emission peak being about 500 km/s. He also found a Na I D absorption line whose equivalent width is about 0.6 nm. He notes that the slope of the continuum indicates heavy interstellar reddening. His spectrum was posted at .
2012 10 23.5
K. Ayani, Bisei Astronomical Observatory (BAO), Ibara, Okayama, Japan, obtained a low-resolution spectrum (range 400 - 800 nm; resolution 0.5 nm at H-alpha) with BAO 1-m telescope. It shows prominent H-alpha emission (EW about 5 nm) on a red continuum. OI 777.3 nm emission with a P-Cyg profile and Fe II 624.8 nm (multiplet 74) emission are also seen. It resembles that of a nova of early phase. The spectrum is posted at .
2012 10 26.12928
Multiband photometry: B=17.2, V=14.51, Rc=12.50, Ic=9.98, remotely using 0.25-m f/3.4 hyperbolic astrograph + CCD (SBIG ST-10XME) at the RAS Observatory, iTelescope network, near Mayhill, NM, U.S.A. Observer T. Yusa, Osaki, Japan. Link to images;
2012 10 20.2217
13.71TG magnitude observed by Robert Fidrich, Budapest, Hungary. Canon EOS 1000D + 300mm focus telephoto lens (F:5.6), 6x30s + 14sx15s images stacked, tricholor-g filter, using AAVSO sequence (APASS).