Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

TCP J19124000+1447145

TCP J19124000+1447145   2023 11 26.3723*  19 12 40.00 +14 47 14.5  12.0 U             Aql       9 0

2023 11 26.372

Discovered by Tadashi Kojima, Tsumagoi,Gunma-ken, Japan, on three frames(4_s exp) under limiting mag.= 13.3 taken by Canon EOS 6D digital camera + 300mm f/3.2 lens. Nothing is visible at this location taken on 2023 Nov23.379UT under limiting mag.=13.8. It might be a flare star.

2023 11 26.3360

Seiji Ueda, Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan reports to NAOJ. Nothing is visible at this location on the frames taken on 2023 Nov. 26.3360 UT (3 frames, 7-s exp. limit mag.= 13.1) taken by Canon EOS 6D digital camera + 200-mm f/3.5 lens. --- Isao Endoh (NAOJ)

2023 11 26.4271

Yuji Nakamura, Kameyama, Mie, Japan reports to NAOJ. Nothing is visible at this location on 2023 Nov. 26.4271 UT (10-s exp. limit mag.= 14.5) taken by 300-mm F/4.0 lens and CMOS camera. This TCP was also detected by the ASAS-SN Sky Patrol : Shappee et al. (2014) and Kochanek et al. (2017). Data and light curve at https://asas-sn.osu.edu/sky-patrol/coordinate/f50f511e-3749-4782-8d48-9d2a0ae74e87 --- Isao Endoh (NAOJ)

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