PNV J20205397+2508145 2017 09 12.5422* 20 20 53.97 +25 08 14.5 12.3 U Vul 5 0
2017 09 12.542
Discovered by T. Kojima, Gunma-ken, Japan, who found this on three frames taken by Canon EOS 6D + 135-mm f3.2 lens and confirmed this (mag.= 12.7) taken on 2017 Sept. 12.67 UT using 200-mm f/3.2 lens. Nothing is visible at this location on a frame taken on 2017 Sept. 2.719 UT. An image at
2017 09 12.542
File location is An image at
2017 09 12.76
Five Gaia DR1 sources (in the 18–21 mag range) are within 6 arcsec of the transient's position. --- Patrick Schmeer (Saarbrücken-Bischmisheim, Germany)
2017 09 12.81339
This transient was observed on 2017 09 12.81339 by Andrea Mantero from C77 - Bernezzo Observatory using 0.25-m f/4 reflector - CCD Atik 314L Scale 1,33"/pixel. Stack of 2 unfiltered b1x1 frames x 30 sec. guiding exposures, show the source at 12.8 Mag.(limiting magnitude 18.5) end figures for astrometry were AR. 20,20 54.34 s DEC. +25,08 16.1" position measured from reference stars UCAC-4 catalogue.
2017 09 12.83
One of the five abovementioned Gaia DR1 sources is only 0.3 arcsec from the position reported by Andrea Mantero. This source (G= 20.20 mag) is identical with GSC2.3 N32C046859 (j= 20.40 mag), which was already proposed by Brian Skiff (vsnet-alert message 21424) as the likely progenitor ("very blue", "Pan-STARRS Sloan 'psf' magnitudes: g = 20.41, r = 20.42, i = 20.52, z = 20.57"). --- Patrick Schmeer (Saarbrücken-Bischmisheim, Germany)
2017 09 12.860
Mag. V= 12.81, B= 12.85, (B-V= +0.04), position end figures 54s.36, 15".8 observed by K. Yoshimoto, Yamaguchi-ken, Japan, using 0.43-m f/6.8 reflector + CCD, Nerpio, Spain, remotely. Image at
2017 09 12.903
F. Campos (ARAS), Barcelona, Spain, obtained a low-resolution spectrum of this transient on 2017 Sep 12.903 UT using a 0.35-m Ritchey-Chrétien telescope, slit spectroscope 200 l/mm (3800-7200 A, resolution 8 A, 3 x 1200 sec exposures). The strong blue continuum, a narrow emission for H-alpha, the H-beta emission component filling the photospheric absorption and other absorption Balmer lines confirm that the object is a dwarf nova outburst. Spectral profile is available here: (P. Berardi)
2017 09 13.83560
This transient was observed on 2017 09 13.83560 by Lorenzo Barbieri, Gaetano Brando, Matteo Tenti, Adriano Valvasori from Felsina Observatory using 0.40-m f/5 reflector - CCD KAF-1600 Scale 1,84"/pixel. One unfiltered frame bin 2x2 x 180 sec., show the source at 12.6 Mag. end figures for astrometry were AR. 20 20 54.36 s DEC. +25 08 16.2 position measured from reference stars UCAC-4 catalogue.
2017 09 15.478
Mag.= 13.9, position end figures 54s.35, 16".0 observed by T. Noguchi, Chiba-ken, Japan, using 0.23-m f/10 Schmidt Cassegrain + unfiltered CCD. An image at
2017 09 17.78860
This transient was observed on 2017 09 17.78860 by Adriano Valvasori, Catia Caselli, Pietro Vitello from Felsina Observatory using 0.40-m f/5 reflector - CCD KAF-1600 Scale 1,84"/pixel. Rc filter 5 frame bin 2x2 x 180 sec., show the source at 13.94 Mag.,
2017 09 25.424
Mag.= 16.6, position end figures 12s.21, 19".5 observed by T. Noguchi, Chiba-ken, Japan, using 0.23-m f/10 Schmidt Cassegrain + unfiltered CCD. An image at