Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

TCP J20490448+2907094

TCP J20490448+2907094   2023 11 21.4539*  20 49 04.48 +29 07 09.4  12.9 U             Vul       9 1

2023 11 45391

Discovered by Shigehisa Fujikawa, Kan'onji, Kagawa, Japan, on a frame (60-s exp.) taken by 120-mm F/3.5 lens. On 2023 Nov. 21.47875 UT, mag=12.3 (30-s exp.) taken by 400-mm F/4 lens, end figures 04s.57, 11".4. Nothing is visible at this location on the frames taken on 2023 Nov. 20.48142 UT (60-s exp.) by same instruments. --- Seiichiro Naito and Isao Endoh (NAOJ)

2023 11 21.4503

Independent discovery by Yuji Nakamura, Kameyama, Mie, Japan, (mag 13.6, position end figures 04s.59, 11".1) on two frames (10-s exp. limiting mag 16.0) taken by 300-mm F/4.0 lens and CMOS camera. --- Seiichiro Naito and Isao Endoh (NAOJ)

2023 11 21.3722

Seiji Ueda, Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan reports to NAOJ. Nothing is visible at this location on the frames taken on 2023 Nov. 21.3722 UT (3 frames, 7-s exp. limit mag.= 13.6) taken by Canon EOS 6D digital camera + 200-mm f/3.5 lens. --- Seiichiro Naito and Isao Endoh (NAOJ)

2023 11 22.3412

There are no bright objects in my images. There are LSPM J2049+2907 near the position reported. Flare of a dwarf star?

2023 11 22.357

Koichi Itagaki detected this transient as a source at the magnitude of 16.7 on Nov. 22.357 UT, indicating that it can be a flare on LSPM J2049+2907 (Gmag=16.68 from Gaia DR3) and has returned to the normal state. --reported by Hiroyuki Naito (Nayoro Observatory, Japan)

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