Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

PSN J20575390-5152245

PSN J20575390-5152245   2013 07 24.457 *  20 57 53.90 -51 52 24.5  16.9 U    1W  10S  N6984     9 0

2013 07 457

PSN J20575390-5152245 The suspect in NGC694 was clearly visible at mag 16.9 on 2- 30 second images taken on the same night July 24.457 Nothing was visible on my previous image taken on July 13.552 down to mag 19.We note also nothing visible on 15 previous images taken in the past year or DSS red or IR I note how ever while doing background checks there was another confirmed supernova in this galaxy very near this position (PSN J20575392-5152248 discovered by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Stan Howerton: 2012.7.25.540.I do believe this may be the same SN but has brightened for some reason

2013 07 457

Please note the error on Remarks the galaxy number should read NGC6984 not NGC694 as of previous post

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