TCP J21041112-0102012 2021 11 25.4341* 21 04 11.12 -01 02 01.2 15.7 U Aqr 9 7
2021 11 11 25.4341
Discovered by Yuji Nakamura, Kameyama, Mie, Japan, on two frames (30-s exp. limiting mag 16.5) taken by 10cm/F3.0 refractor and CMOS camera. Nothing is visible at this location on the frames taken on 2021 Nov. 18.4072 UT (30-s exp. limiting mag 16.5) by same instrument. The likely progenitor is catalogued as SDSS J210411.12-010201.0 (gmag 21.944), Gaia EDR3 6917174984897161088 (Plx 2.1162 mas, Gmag 19.416496). On 2021 Nov, 26.4460, Mag.=15.6. --- Isao Endoh (NAOJ)
2021 11 27.357
Mag.= 15.2, position end figures 11s.13, 00".8 observed by T. Noguchi, Katori, Japan, using 0.23-m f/10 Schmidt Cassegrain + unfiltered CCD (KAF-0261E), An image at
2021 11 27.3632
Photometry were B=14.83, V=14.92 and Ic=14.91 with 25cm SCT + QSI 632ws CCD at TAO-Kamagaya, Japan. Seiichiro Kiyota