Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

PSN J22081243+4110503

PSN J22081243+4110503   2014 09 28.80  *  22 08 12.43 +41 10 50.3  19.5 U                       0 -

2014 09 29.80235

I have succeeded in acquiring a confirmation image of the possibile supernova in PGC68110 on Sept, 29.80235 UT. End figures for astrometry on the second night were A.R. 22h08m12s.43 DEC. +41°10'50".512. Photometry result was mag 19.3 U. All usual check have been made. Massimo Caimmi

2014 09 29.9200

I confirm the presence of this PSN (mag.+18.0), offset: 11.9arcsec.N, 16.96arcsec.E, from several unfiltered images taken by 0.35m. Sch.-Cass. F/5.5 + SXVR H-9 CCD camera; 90sec. exposure; limit mag.+19.0; Giancarlo Cortini (Monte Maggiore Observatory-Predappio-ITALY).

2014 09 30.7887

This transient was observed on 2014 09 30.78873 by M.Caimmi using 0.24-m f/6.5 SCT - CCD Atik 314L. Stack of 14 unfiltered frames of 300 sec exposure, show the source at 19.0 mag. End figures for astrometry were AR. 12.45s DEC. 50.5" position was measured from reference stars catalogue UCAC-4. Image of this observation is available http://www.oav.name/public/PSN_J22081243+4110503_20140930.jpg

2014 10 03.8029

I confirm this PSN, discovered by me at 2014 09 28.80 on PGC68110, indicating appears to increase brightness, now measured 18.3 mag. from stacking images (26 frames x 300s B2x2) whit SCT Telescope 0.24m and CCD Atik 314L. End astrometry were AR. 12.45s DEC. 50.4 " (UCAC-4 catalog). Image of this observation is available http://www.oav.name/public/PSN_J22081243+4110503_20141003.jpg Massimo Caimmi - Loreto (AN) - Italy

2014 10 05.8440

This transient was observed on 2014 10 05.84404 by M.Caimmi using 0.24-m f/6.5 SCT - CCD Atik 314L. Stack of 84 unfiltered frames of 60sec exposure, shows increase magnitude at 18.1 mag. End figures for astrometry were AR. 12.45s DEC. 50.3" position was measured from reference stars catalogue UCAC-4. Image of this observation is available http://www.oav.name/public/PSN_J22081243+4110503_20141005.jpg Massimo Caimmi - Loreto (AN) - Italy

2014 10 07.8299

This transient was observed on 2014 10 07.82988 using 0.24-m f/6.5 SCT - CCD Atik 314L. Stack of 90 unfiltered frames x 60sec exposure, shows increase magnitude at 17.9 mag. End figures for astrometry were AR. 12.44s DEC. 50.4" position was measured from reference stars catalogue UCAC-4. Image of this observation is available http://www.oav.name/public/PSN_J22081243+4110503_20141007.jpg C92 - Valdicerro Observatory - Loreto (AN) - Italy Massimo Caimmi

2014 10 08.8299

This transient was observed on 2014 10 08.80659 using 0.24-m f/6.5 SCT - CCD Atik 314L. Stack of 106 unfiltered frames x 60sec exposure, confirm magnitude 17.9 mag. End figures for astrometry were AR. 12.44s DEC. 50.5" position was measured from reference stars catalogue UCAC-4. Image of this observation is available http://www.oav.name/public/PSN_J22081243+4110503_20141008.jpg - C92 - Valdicerro Observatory - Loreto (AN) - Italy - Massimo Caimmi

2014 10 09.8389

This transient was observed on 2014 10 09.83887 using 0.24-m f/6.5 SCT - CCD Atik 314L. Stack of 77 unfiltered frames x 60sec exposure,shows increase magnitude at 17.8 mag. End figures for astrometry were AR. 12.44s DEC. 50.3" position was measured from reference stars catalogue UCAC-4. Image of this observation is available http://www.oav.name/public/PSN_J22081243+4110503_20141009.jpg - C92 - Valdicerro Observatory - Loreto (AN) - Italy - Massimo Caimmi

2014 10 11.8259

This transient was observed on 2014 10 11.82586 using 0.24-m f/6.5 SCT - CCD Atik 314L. Stack of 131 unfiltered frames x 60sec exposure, shows magnitude at 17.8 mag. End figures for astrometry were AR. 12.45s DEC. 50.3" position was measured from reference stars catalogue UCAC-4. Image of this observation is available http://www.oav.name/public/PSN_J22081243+4110503_20141011.jpg - C92 - Valdicerro Observatory - Loreto (AN) - Italy - Massimo Caimmi

2014 10 12.8045

This transient was observed on 2014 10 12.80454 using 0.24-m f/6.5 SCT - CCD Atik 314L. Stack of 60 unfiltered frames x 90sec guidind exposure, shows decrease magnitude at 18.1 mag. End figures for astrometry were AR. 12.44s DEC. 50.5" position was measured from reference stars catalogue UCAC-4. Image of this observation is available http://www.oav.name/public/PSN_J22081243+4110503_20141012.jpg - C92 - Valdicerro Observatory - Loreto (AN) - Italy - Massimo Caimmi

2014 10 13.8160

This transient was observed on 2014 10 13.81601 using 0.24-m f/6.5 SCT - CCD Atik 314L whit stack of 13 unfiltered frame x 90sec guiding exposure, and shows new increase at 17.8 mag. End figures for astrometry were AR. 12.45s DEC. 50.3" position was measured from reference stars catalogue UCAC-4. Image this observation is available http://www.oav.name/public/PSN_J22081243+4110503_20141013.jpg - C92 - Valdicerro Observatory - Loreto (AN) - Italy - Massimo Caimmi

2014 10 16.8623

This transient was observed on 2014 10 16.86230 using 0.24-m f/6.5 SCT - CCD Atik 314L whit stack of 54 unfiltered frame x 60sec guiding exposure, and shows new decrease at 18.0 mag. End figures for astrometry were AR. 12.43s DEC. 50.5" position was measured from reference stars catalogue UCAC-4. Image this observation is available http://www.oav.name/public/PSN_J22081243+4110503_20141016.jpg - C92 - Valdicerro Observatory - Loreto (AN) - Italy - Massimo Caimmi

2014 10 17.7476

This transient was observed on 2014 10 17.74760 using 0.24-m f/6.5 SCT - CCD Atik 314L whit stack of 10 unfiltered frame x 60sec guiding exposure, and shows slight decrease at 18.1 mag. End figures for astrometry were AR. 12.45s DEC. 50.5" position was measured from reference stars catalogue UCAC-4. Image this observation is available http://www.oav.name/public/PSN_J22081243+4110503_20141017.jpg - C92 - Valdicerro Observatory - Loreto (AN) - Italy - Massimo Caimmi

2014 10 19.7829

This transient was observed on 2014 10 19.78288 using 0.24-m f/6.5 SCT - CCD Atik 314L whit stack of 24 unfiltered frame x 300sec guiding exposure, and shows stable brightness at 18.1 mag. End figures for astrometry were AR. 12.44s DEC. 50.2" position was measured from reference stars catalogue UCAC-4. Image this observation is available http://www.oav.name/public/PSN_J22081243+4110503_20141019.jpg - C92 - Valdicerro Observatory - Loreto (AN) - Italy - Massimo Caimmi

2014 10 20.7795

This transient was observed on 2014 10 20.77953 using 0.24-m f/6.5 SCT - CCD Atik 314L whit stack of 23 unfiltered frame x 300 sec guiding exposure, and shows brightness at 18.0 mag. The position of PSN from center UGC11919 (PGC68110) is approximately 20,5" East and 12,3" North. End figures for astrometry were AR. 12.45s DEC. 50.3" position was measured from reference stars catalogue UCAC-4. Image of this observation is available http://www.oav.name/public/PSN_J22081243+4110503_20141020.jpg - C92 - Valdicerro Observatory - Loreto (AN) - Italy - Massimo Caimmi

2014 10 26.8045

This transient was observed on 2014 10 26.80449 using 0.24-m f/6.5 SCT - CCD Atik 314L whit stack of 15 unfiltered frame x 300 sec guiding exposure, and shows decrease of brightness at 18.7 mag. End figures for astrometry were AR. 12.45s DEC. 50.6" position was measured from reference stars catalogue UCAC-4. Image of this observation is available http://www.oav.name/public/PSN_J22081243+4110503_20141026.jpg - C92 - Valdicerro Observatory - Loreto (AN) - Italy - Massimo Caimmi

2014 10 30

2014 10 30.9535 This transient was observed on 2014 10 30.95355 using 0.24-m f/6.5 SCT - CCD Atik 314L whit stack of 40 unfiltered b2x2 frame x 300 sec guiding exposure, and shows light increase of brightness at 18.5 mag. End figures for astrometry were AR. 12.45s DEC. 50.5" position was measured from reference stars catalogue UCAC-4. Image of this observation is available http://www.oav.name/public/PSN_J22081243+4110503_20141030.jpg - C92 - Valdicerro Observatory - Loreto (AN) - Italy - Massimo Caimmi

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