PSN J22415183+3458074 2012 11 14.9548* 22 41 51.83 +34 58 07.4 17.0 U 3E 4N P214858 9 0
2012 11 16.0476
PSN detected at coordinates 22 41 51.81 +34 58 06.8 (UCAC3). Magnitude 16.7 U +/- 0.2 . Limiting magnitude 20.0 . Sum of 8 x 240-sec images. Nothing seen other than galaxy background at these coordinates on DSS. Observer: R. A. Koff, Antelope Hills Observatory, Bennett, Colorado USA (H09). Image posted at:
2012 11 16.070
This possible supernova in PGC 214858 was detected with 4 x 15 min images using a luminance filter Astrometry: RA 22 41 51.75 Dec +34 58 06.9 Photometry: 16.64 +/- 0.93 L These data were collected remotely by Joseph Brimacombe, Cairns, Australia. Link to image and further information
2012 11 16.8386
Astrometry on an additional stack of 10, 45 sec images of this possible supernova in PGC 214858 provides end figures of 51.83s and 07.4", precisely the same as the discovery measure while photometry yields 16.8 unfiltered. Observer Ron Arbour Pennell Observatory U.K. IAU 979
2012 11 17.8499
D. Grennan, Raheny Observatory, Dublin, Ireland reports that this possible supernova was seen on an 10 x 1 minute stack of unfiltered frames (L.M. +20.1). These images were taken with a 0.36-m SCT and SBIG ST8 CCD. Astrometry returned the following J2000 coordinates, RA= 22:41:51.79 (+/-0.1") Dec= +34:58:06.7 (+/-0.1"). The unfiltered magnitude estimate is +16.5U. This image is available at;