PNV J23272715+0855391 2012 09 13.5680* 23 27 27.15 +08 55 39.1 13.9 U Psc I 0
2012 09 13.5680
Detected by K. Itagaki, Yamagata, Japan, during his SN search using 0.50-m F/6 refl. + CCD. It was below mag 19.0 on 2011 Oct. 19.559 UT. Note that this object is located in the constellation Pegasus, not Pisces. The discovery image can be seen at: Possibly SDSS J232727.14+085538.7 (DR8, rmag = 22.028) is a quiescent counterpart. If it is correct, the outburst amplitude is ~8 mag, which is rather large for typical dwarf novae.
2012 09 13.9511
Mag.: 13.9(V) R.A.: 23 27 27.13; Decl.: +08 55 38.8 (2000.0) Observer: Massimiliano Martignoni - Observatory: Stazione Astronomica Betelgeuse (B75), Magnago, Italy Telescope: Schmidt-Cassegrain 0.25m-f/10.0 - CCD: KAF0261E
2012 09 14.1632
PNV detected at coordinates 23 27 27.14 +08 55 38.8 (UCAC3). Magnitude 13.7 U +/- 0.1. Limiting magnitude 18.4 (UCAC3). Measurements are average of three separate images. Observer: R. A. Koff, Bennett, Colorado USA (H09). Image posted at: Note: 90-minute lightcurve shows level magnitude within +/- 0.02 magnitude.
2012 09 12.6008
K. Itagaki (Yamagata, Japan) reports the pre-discovery magniture: Sept. 12.6008, unfiltered mag about 19.2 (0.50-m F/6 refl.).