Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

About the CBAT/MPC/ICQ WWW pages

These WWW pages are prepared (unless otherwise stated) and maintained by Gareth Williams, to whom comments on this service may be sent. Alternatively, a feedback form is available.

The content of the CBAT and ICQ pages is maintained by Dan Green.


We have received a number of awards and the award graphics were beginning to clutter up this page (this is an enviable problem). We have therefore started a separate awards page.

Design Philosophy

These pages were originally designed for the VMS port of version 2.4 of Mosaic. A few post-2.4 extensions such as the center tag were used, but nothing that would degrade the appearance for browsers that didn't support these features. Newly-added or newly-updated pages are now designed to be compliant with the HTML 4.01 standard: such pages can be identified by the valid-HTML icon at the bottom of the page, showing that

Valid HTML 4.01!