Circulaire No. 3a Bureau Central Astronomique de l'UNION ASTRONOMIQUE INTERNATIONALE Observatoire de Copenhague COMETE BAADE Comparison star for Copenhagen observations Oct. 26 (A. G. Lund 9016) has a great proper motion. Corrected positions of the comet: 1922 Oct. Gr.M.T. 26 6h40m12s 20 1 47.68 +35 49 43.8 E.S. 26 7 25 8 20 1 52.04 +35 49 10.4 B.S. 26 8 9 52 20 1 56.17 +35 48 37.8 V.H. New observation: Alger M.T. Oct. 26 9h22m6 20 2 2.4 +35 47 58 Renaux, 11.2 1922 October 28 (3a) Elis Stromgren
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