Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 4: 1922c

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                                                 Circulaire No. 4
Bureau Central Astronomique
Observatoire de Copenhague

COMETE 1922c (Baade)
     Nouvelles Observation:

1922    t.m.Gr.       R.A. (app.) Decl.     Gr.
Oct. 26  9h10m28s  20  2  2.4  +35 47 58    11.2  Alger, Renaux

     A l'aide des observations oct. 19 (Bergedorf), 23 et 26
(Copenhagen) Mlle. J. M. Vinter Hansen et M. J. A. Kristensen ont
calcule l'orbite et l'ephemeride suivantes:

       T = 1922 nov. 14.6215 t.m.Gr.
   Peri. = 126 41.19
   Node  = 222 16.04     1922.0
   Incl. =  50 32.96
   log q = 0.33622

Representation du lieu moyen (O-C):

   dLong cos(Lat) = +0'29, dLat = -0'28

                  12h t.m.Gr.:

1922        R.A. (app.) Decl.   log r   log D    Gr.
Nov.  2    20 18 54  +33 43.0   0.3371  0.2633  10.1
      6    20 28 46   32 32.3
     10    20 38 48   31 22.3   0.3363  0.2694  10.1
     14    20 49  1   30 13.0
     18    20 59 24   29  4.4   0.3363  0.2780  10.2
     22    21  9 53   27 57.0
     26    21 20 25   26 51.5   0.3371  0.2892  10.2
Nov. 30    21 30 59   25 48.1
Dec.  4    21 41 33   24 47.1   0.3387  0.3026  10.3
      8    21 52 05   23 48.7
Dec. 12    22  2 34  +22 53.2   0.3411  0.3182  10.4

1922 Novemeber 1                  (4)              Elis Stromgren

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