Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 2222: 1941 VII

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 2222
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     The orbit of this comet has been redetermined from 72 observations
1941 July 24 to Oct. 20.  Two variation orbits were also calculated,
their revolution periods differing by the likely uncertainty,
+/- 10 days.  Since the comet has made five revolutions since
1941, it might be expected that the ephemerides from these variation
orbits would correspond to Delta-T = +/- 50 days in 1970.  However,
the comet passed close to Jupiter in 1954 and 1966.  The effect of
the first approach was to cause the comet's period to increase from
5.5 to 5.9 years (putting it in 2:1 resonance with Jupiter's period),
and that of the second was to increase it further, to 6.3
years.  The resonance acted like a mirror, in that the shorter the
period before 1954 the longer it would become after 1966.  The
actual Delta-T range in 1970 is in fact -/+ 5 days, and the differential
perturbations in the other elements will limit even more the region
in the sky where the comet must be, particularly in August, when it
will be about at its brightest.  In 1958 extensive, but unsuccessful
searches were made for the comet.  In 1970 the maximum brightness
will be 2 to 3 magnitudes fainter than in 1958, but every
opportunity should be taken to recover the comet on account of the
unique focusing effect that has occurred.

       T = 1970 Oct. 8.1642 ET    Epoch = 1970 Aug. 2.0 ET
   Peri. = 115.6884                   e =   0.508677
   Node  = 187.8938   1950.0          a =   3.413334 AU
   Incl. =   2.8619                   n =   0.1562917
       q =   1.677050 AU              P =   6.306 years

     1970 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     Mag.
     Apr.  4    15 53.90    -17 47.4    1.550   2.352   19.7
          14    15 54.53    -17 27.2
          24    15 52.34    -16 56.9    1.299   2.244   19.1
     May   4    15 47.44    -16 17.6
          14    15 40.32    -15 31.8    1.131   2.139   18.6
          24    15 32.02    -14 44.0
     June  3    15 23.83    -14 00.2    1.057   2.039   18.2
          13    15 17.17    -13 27.1
          23    15 13.22    -13 09.8    1.065   1.946   18.0
     July  3    15 12.67    -13 11.0
          13    15 15.88    -13 30.9    1.131   1.863   18.0
          23    15 22.83    -14 07.3
     Aug.  2    15 33.31    -14 56.9    1.228   1.791   18.0
          12    15 47.09    -15 55.8
          22    16 03.84    -16 59.3    1.340   1.735   18.0
     Sept. 1    16 23.27    -18 02.9
          11    16 45.09    -19 02.2    1.461   1.697   18.1
          21    17 08.98    -19 52.7
     Oct.  1    17 34.60    -20 30.7    1.592   1.678   18.3
          11    18 01.61    -20 52.7
          21    18 29.60    -20 56.4    1.737   1.681   18.5
          31    18 58.20    -20 40.2
     Nov. 10    19 27.03    -20 03.7    1.899   1.706   18.7
          20    19 55.72    -19 07.6
          30    20 24.01    -17 53.3    2.079   1.749   19.0
     Dec. 10    20 51.68    -16 22.8
          20    21 18.55    -14 38.9    2.276   1.810   19.4

                   Mag. = 15.0 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r

                  Delta-T = + 5d         Delta-T = - 5d
     1970 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     R. A. (1950) Decl.
     Apr.  4    15 58.96   -17 04.9    15 50.58   -18 17.8
          14    15 59.75   -16 43.3    15 51.21   -17 58.7
          24    15 57.76   -16 12.7    15 48.98   -17 28.7
     May   4    15 53.07   -15 34.2    15 44.00   -16 48.7
          14    15 46.14   -14 50.7    15 36.81   -16 01.0
          24    15 37.94   -14 06.6    15 28.47   -15 10.2
     June  3    15 29.70   -13 27.4    15 20.32   -14 22.8
          13    15 22.82   -12 59.1    15 13.83   -13 45.9
          23    15 18.45   -12 46.6    15 10.20   -13 25.0
     July  3    15 17.34   -12 51.9    15 10.11   -13 23.2
          13    15 19.86   -13 15.3    15 13.90   -13 40.7
          23    15 26.03   -13 54.5    15 21.53   -14 15.5
     Aug.  2    15 35.66   -14 46.4    15 32.77   -15 03.9
          12    15 48.54   -15 47.2    15 47.38   -16 01.8
          22    16 04.36   -16 52.5    16 05.02   -17 04.3
     Sept. 1    16 22.82   -17 58.1    16 25.38   -18 06.6
          11    16 43.66   -18 59.7    16 48.17   -19 04.0
          21    17 06.57   -19 53.2    17 13.02   -19 51.8
     Oct.  1    17 31.24   -20 35.0    17 39.57   -20 26.0
          11    17 57.36   -21 01.8    18 07.44   -20 43.3
          21    18 24.54   -21 11.0    18 36.20   -20 41.3
          31    18 52.43   -21 01.1    19 05.44   -20 18.7
     Nov. 10    19 20.68   -20 31.4    19 34.76   -19 35.4
          20    19 48.93   -19 42.2    20 03.80   -18 32.5
          30    20 16.91   -18 34.6    20 32.30   -17 11.7
     Dec. 10    20 44.38   -17 10.4    21 00.06   -15 35.4
          20    21 11.16   -15 32.0    21 26.92   -13 46.5

1970 March 6                   (2222)              Brian G. Marsden

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