Circular No. 2228 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS COMET BENNETT (1969i) Mrs. Betty Mintz, U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, has measured the following precise positions from plates obtained by A. Gomez, Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory. The March 6 plates are of inferior quality. 1970 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Feb. 28.03476 22 35 21.56 -47 04 05.6 Mar. 1.01392 22 33 18.58 -46 21 10.6 1.02434 22 33 17.20 -46 20 42.2 3.01045 22 29 06.72 -44 44 43.2 3.01392 22 29 06.21 -44 44 32.4 4.00698 22 27 01.18 -43 51 23.7 4.01045 22 27 00.66 -43 51 12.6 6.00073 22 22 52.07 -41 52 58.0 6.00351 22 22 51.61 -41 52 45.1 Dr. B. Westerlund, European Southern Observatory, reports: "Observations by F. Dossin show that both the head and tail contain a fair amount of dust. Emissions also appear, including OH+, CH+ and CO+. The new (1-1) band of CN, discovered in comet 1969g [Sky Telesc. (1970) 39, 152], is again clearly visible. Other features are the normal CN, C2, CH, C3, NH and Na emissions." Recent visual estimates (all with 7 x 50 binoculars) are: 1970 UT Mag. Tail Observer Mar. 10.77 2.3 4o, p.a. 210o M. V. Jones (Queensland) 13.78 1.7 4o V. L. Matchett (Queensland) 25.40 < 1.5 > 1o (twilight) B. G. Marsden (Massachusetts) (887) ALINDA Mr. P. Wild, Astronomical Institute, Berne, provides the following precise positions (the means from several exposures): 1970 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Jan. 3.8771 3 24 03.62 + 4 57 02.1 6.8757 3 31 54.16 + 7 45 39.1 1970 March 26 (2228) Brian G. Marsden
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